見I decided to wake up at startup 5AM and build my day before the soul of a gleeful started sucking從業人員。And he lived happily ever after…would have been great!在early managed to wake up the moment I decided to become a morning person。quickly I found that my half - awake zombified determination could power - through any obstacle blocking my sleep。On the lucky I did manage days to wake up,I would just sit there and stare into the abyss。Productivity blogs make it look easy。You’re constantly bombarded with feats amazing that only these mythical morning people can achieve:8 Things Every Person Should Do還有8 AM,and 7 Things Morning People Do Differently,為什麼Productive People Get Up Insanely Early。Watching these superheros catch falling airplanes before 8AM somehow makes you feel guilty for oversleeping。I mean are they這human。