These days, carats are up to now + household chores events<br><br>Prologue<br>I know you won't come, but if you really do,<br>Press Refresh Weavers/Other SNS Notifications.<br><br>Deployment<br>Looking at the pictures you've saved, the umjings, the stage, the go-sepp<br>I'm heartbroken.<br><br>Crisis<br>I miss you.... I want to see it too... Oh my mom, do you know or not...<br>I want to see... Heng Hung Heng <br><br>Peak<br>In the end, I wrote a post in Weavers with an uneasy and sad heart and a missed heart/<br>I get wet with sensitivity more and more at dawn in particular...<br><br>Ending<br>Various events Udadadada sebong people's gaps with carats<br>I want to see Seventin..<br><br>⭐⭐⭐⭐<br>Give it a try Pretty Little Time Event+++<br>#한다면하는놈그게바로캐럿 to <br>Write your own lyrics/ Touch your heart during a Seventin song<br>Please raise it!! (+ to your nickname!)<br>+Handwriting/pencil (iPad/phone) writing is possible<br>I'll edit and put it on Weavers the day the members officially return☆<br>[You can duplicate lyrics among other carats/Write your favorite lyrics!]