Is a very high building is located in the area of Osaka District Abe noThis building is all 60 high class 300 meters 984 feet completion year 2557 Osaka Prefecture。Is building in the tallest Japan。The meaning of the name。Whoever has scenic views of the Osaka from the point of view on the top floor of the building。Surely feel fresh。lift Up this to the 60(high from the ground 300 meters)。This lift takes up from the ground 45 seconds to the altitude 300 meters。However,during which is in the wall lift基於lift will be shine out like a shooting star,a lot of things Feel like we’re through spacetime。You can visit the city of Osaka layed state can invisibly。在you try to enjoy the landscape。You will be impressed with it。Can you see the building the Namba Umeda clearly。The wall made of glass。Therefore,no matter how you look at the view from the corner。You can see the beautiful views。During this老,the evening will fall from the direction of the Osaka BayAnd you can watch the atmosphere when the sun was setting。The fun of this is not just a scenic views only。You can stand on this for sightseeing。That is,some of the areas you step on that were made with glass。You can see through to the bottom as well!For you who have the fear of heights。Please be aware。