Come winter I guess! Well. ..You know the smell in winterThe odor in the wind, hallmarks of today certainly did takeBy this time silver is beautiful and quietly been watching JapaneseHe swept back and forth even a thin body thin di discouraged has arrived. It's pretty terrific. And coffee is hazelnut eat took hold in the water and peered out the flour flavor chocolate was ... (I'd rather walk to the hot chocolate ..) Though the stranger seemed to take for granted and the tongue on the hazelnut wind knife, even if not a bad feeling rotten. The music you listen not to listen. Sometimes people say that any sound is also great, better than the lyrics sounds nicely. Wedding pictures, the couple was too cold not cold too. Just my opinion perhaps? Though silver was also true for the bride and groom as a field.October, which is also fiercely and quickly than a month went great. It's been 3 weeks would someday make a comeback, it's had a lot of things none of us;. Even at the end of November and a lot of things. And while there was talk. This pretty silver looked at them I can go back to a place to work while we appreciate that the left is good at separating work and does not live in everyday. Can anyone say that to me. The separation of work and daily life. By the time my work in Paris and the Mediterranean and the silver field, imagine and thanks. When you return to everyday and relax I breathe, I appreciate the fact that there is work to identify and value for what you are. How do you live.How do I live, let me ask a question, then a window, make note of them on a semi-regular basis mixtapes. They are ideal spaces to slow as he was the only one, so a quick piece I o? What kind of music you need to talk to a lot of problems relating to any one,. What ever I did blah blah blahWinter body stiff hair loosely made, I guess. Cold and tried out over health and posture good funky WHA always warm neck and shoulder to the Hebrews. Cool Paula tee and try to always be close to dangbuhae shawl. Heater turns on and just a. .. Pour. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋSchool companies. It's hard to mind Paris and the silver field and back to work, in retrospect, look hard at us! Does anyone have been waiting for someone to be afraid of winter. I'm not sure. Though the time sucking sucking habit a habit of limping limping past, but we're alive. Always always. I pray. My mind goes to reach for him. And for me, like hand shaking cycle from Japanese. Try praying. I'm asking as well this winter.P.S. I'm a TWiT with a different photo. ㅎ ㅎ ㅎ