To further confirm the receptor function of chicken CAR for the novel FAdV-4, blockade assays were conducted using a soluble CAR protein or an anti-CAR antibody.Eukaryotic expression and purification of the Fc-tagged CAR protein was verified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE;Figure 5(A)) and western blotting (Figure 5(B)).In the protein-blockade assays, different concentrations of soluble CAR protein (3.125– 12.5 ng/μl;Fc protein as the negative control) were used.The experiments were performed in a manner similar to that described above for blocking with the fibre antibody.The results indicated that all detected concentrations of the soluble CAR protein blocked FAdV-4 infection by 76–80% (P< 0.05;Figure 5(C)).In the CAR antibody-blockade assay, we applied different dilutions of the CAR pAb (ranging from 1:2 to 1:32; mouse IgG as a negative control).The experiment was performed with blocking using afibre protein antibody, as described above.As shown in Figure 5(D), the CAR antibody significantly (P< 0.05) blocked FAdV-4 infectivity in a concentration-dependent manner (1:2 dilution, 73% blocking; 1:8 dilution, 20% blocking; 1:32 dilution, 0% blocking ...