생명의 성장의 노정  제 4장 그리스도의 죽음과 부활과 동일시됨로마서 8장 3절은 “율법이 육체 때문에 연약하여 할 수 없던 的英文翻譯

생명의 성장의 노정  제 4장 그리스도의 죽음과 부활과 동일시됨

생명의 성장의 노정  제 4장 그리스도의 죽음과 부활과 동일시됨로마서 8장 3절은 “율법이 육체 때문에 연약하여 할 수 없던 것을 하나님께서 하셨습니다. 하나님은 죄와 관련하여 그분 자신의 아들을 죄의 육체의 모양으로 보내시어, 육체 안에서 죄에 대해 유죄 판결하셨습니다.”라고 말한다. 또한 로마서 6장 5절과 6절은 “우리가 그분의 죽음과 같은 모양 안에서 그분과 연결되어 자랐다면, 또한 그분의 부활과 같은 모양 안에서도 그분과 연결되어 자랄 것입니다. 우리가 알고 있는 것처럼, 우리의 옛사람이 예수님과 함께 십자가에 못 박힌 것은 죄의 몸이 무력하게 되어 우리가 더 이상 죄의 노예가 되지 않기 위한 것입니다.”라고 말한다. 나아가, 8절부터 11절까지는 계속해서 “우리가 그리스도와 함께 죽었다면 또한 그분과 함께 살 것도 믿습니다. 그리스도께서 죽은 사람들 가운데서 살아나셨으므로 다시는 죽지 않으시고, 죽음이 다시는 그분을 지배하지 못한다는 것을 우리는 압니다. … 이와 같이 여러분도 여러분 자신을 그리스도 예수님 안에서 죄에 대해서는 죽은 사람으로, 그러나 하나님에 대해서는 산 사람으로 여기십시오.”라고 말한다. 이러한 구절들은 그리스도께서 하나님의 중심이심을 우리에게 보여 준다.우주 안에서 하나님의 중심과 목적은 그리스도이다. 비록 이 목적이 분명히 기록되어 있지 않고 비밀 안에 감추어져 있지만, 하나님의 의도와 목적이 그리스도라는 것은 명백하다. 따라서 그리스도는 하나님의 중심이시고, 하나님의 목적이시며, 하나님의 비밀이시다(골 2:2). 어느 날 하나님은 너울을 벗기시고 하나님의 계시인 이 비밀을 우리에게 보여 주셨다. 이 계시가 그리스도이다. 이 계시는 종교에 관한 것이 아니라 그리스도에 대한 것이다. 우리가 종교 생활을 합당하게 실행한다면 아무 문제가 없으리라는 것은 계시가 아니다. 그보다, 계시는 우리가 그리스도 안에 있고 그분과의 관계에 아무 문제가 없을 때 진실로 하나님 앞에서 아무 문제가 없다는 것이다. 모든 것은 종교에 달려 있는 것이 아니라 그리스도께 달려 있다. 그러므로 우리는 반드시 그리스도가 누구이신지를 알기 위해 많은 시간과 노력을 들여야 한다.우리가 신약을 주의 깊게 읽는다면 신격의 모든 충만이 몸을 지니신 그리스도 안에 거한다는 것을 볼 것이다(골 2:9). 그리스도는 하나님 자신이시다. 그분은 하나님이시다(롬 9:5, 요 1:1). 어느 날 그분은 육체가 되셔서 인류 가운데 오셨지만, 그분 안에는 하나님 자신이 계셨다. 신격의 모든 충만이 그리스도 안에 거한다. 성경은 이에 관해 많이 말한다. 우리는 그리스도 밖에서 하나님을 찾거나 하나님을 소유할 수 없다. 하나님께서 가지신 모든 것이 그리스도 안에 있다. 그리스도는 누구이신가? 그리스도는 하나님의 거처이시다. 그뿐만 아니라 성경은 또한 하나님께서 육체 되셨을 때 육체를 입으셨다는 것을 우리에게 계시한다. 그리스도는 하나님이시지만, 어느 날 이 땅에 오셔서 인성을 입으셨다. 이것이 말씀께서 육체가 되신 것이다(요 1:14). 말씀은 하나님이시고, 육체는 사람이다. 또한 로마서 8장 3절은 그리스도께서 이 땅에 보내어지셨을 때 육체가 되셨다는 것, 즉 그분께서 죄의 몸의 모양으로, 죄의 육체의 모양으로 오셨다는 것을 우리에게 말해 준다. 주 예수님께서 육체가 되셨을 때 그분은 죄의 몸, 죄의 육체를 입으셨다. 다른 말로 하면, 그분은 인성을 입으신 하나님이셨다.그리스도는 육체 되신 하나님이심그리스도는 육체 되신 하나님이셨다. 그분은 육체를 입으신 하나님이셨다. 우리는 그분 안에서 하나님을 만날 수 있고, 그분 안에서 사람을 만날 수 있었다. 하나님의 모든 것이 그분 안에 있었고, 사람의 모든 것이 그분께 놓여 있었다. 그분은 하나님과 사람의 연합이셨다. 하나님의 모든 것이 그분 안에 거했고, 사람의 모든 것이 그분께 달려 있었다. 그러므로 그분 안에 하나님의 충만, 하나님의 영광, 하나님의 생명, 하나님의 본성, 하나님의 모든 것이 있었다. 동시에 그분은 사람의 육체를 입으셨다. 따라서 사람의 약함, 사람의 죄의 몸, 사람의 모든 것이 그분께 놓여 있었다. 그분은 외적으로 사람을 입으셨지만, 내적으로는 죄가 없으셨다(고후 5:21). 비록 그분은 육체의 죄들이 없으셨지만 죄의 육체의 모양을 가지셨다. 사람의 모든 문제가 그분께 놓여 있었다. 그분께서 땅에 계셨을 때 외적으로 그분은 모든 사람들과 같으셨다. 그러나 어느 날 그분은 높은 산에 오르셨고 하나님의 영광이 그분 안에서부터 나타났다. 베드로와 야고보와 요한은 그분 안에서 하나님의 영광을 보았다(마 17:1-2). 그러므로 우리 모두는 그리스도가 인성을 입으신 영광의 하나님이셨다는 것에 매우 분명해야 한다. 하나님의 모든 것이 그분 안에 있었고, 사람의 모든 것이 그분께 놓여 있었다. 그분은 하나님이시지만 사람이셨다.그리스도의 죽음이 사람의 문제들을 해결함어느 날, 하나님이시지만 사람이신 이 그리스도께서 십자가로 가서 죽으셨다. 십자가에서 육체, 곧 그분께서 입으셨던 인성이 못 박혔다. 이것은 위대한 비밀이다. 우리에게는 내적으로 깊은 인식이 있지만, 외적으로 이것을 표현할 적절한 언변이 없다. 그리스도는 사람과 연합되신 하나님이셨다. 하나님께 속한 것은 무엇이든지 영광스럽지만, 사람에게 속한 것은 무엇이든지 문제가 된다. 그리스도 안에 있는 하나님의 모든 것은 영광스럽고, 거룩하고, 영적이고, 생명에 속한 것이었다. 그러나 그리스도 안에 있는 인간 요소들은 모두 하나님의 영광을 가릴 뿐 아니라 하나님의 생명이 표현되는 것을 방해하는 문제들이었다.어느 날 그리스도는 그분의 사람의 몸, 즉 그분께서 입으신 인성을 지니고 십자가에서 죽음에 넘겨지셨다. 십자가에 못 박힌 것은 다름 아닌 그분께서 입으신 인성이었다. 그 결과 그분께서 육체 되심으로 입으셨던 육체의 문제가 십자가에서 해결되었다. 그리스도의 죽음은 그분께서 입으셨던 육체와 인성을 처리했고, 또한 그분 속에서부터 하나님의 생명, 영광스러운 생명을 해방했다. 한 면으로 십자가에서의 그리스도의 죽음은 사람의 모든 문제를 해결했고, 사람에게 문제가 되었던 모든 것을 처리했다. 또 한 면으로 그리스도의 죽음은 그분 안에서부터 하나님의 모든 것과 그 영의 모든 것을 해방했다.그리스도의 부활이 하나님의 생명을 해방함이것은 얼마나 놀라운 이야기인가! 인성을 입으신 육체 되신 하나님이신 그리스도께서 십자가에서 못 박히셨을 때 한 면으로 그분은 그분께서 입으셨던 인성을 못 박으셨고, 다른 한 면으로는 그분 안에 계셨던 하나님을 해방하셨다. 이것이 그리스도의 죽음과 부활의 모든 것이다. 우리는 그리스도가 하나님과 사람의 연합이라는 것을 앞에서 말했다. 그러면 그리스도의 죽음은 무엇인가? 또한 그리스도의 부활은 무엇인가? 그리스도의 죽음은 사람의 모든 것을 끝낸 반면, 그리스도의 부활은 하나님의 모든 것을 해방했다. 사람의 모든 것이 처리되었고 하나님의 모든 것이 해방되었다. 이것이 그리스도의 죽음과 부활이다. 유감스럽게도, 오늘날 하나님의 자녀들 가운데서 하나님의 빛 비춤을 받고 눈이 열려 그들이 영접한 그리스도가 그러한 분이시라는 것을 본 사람들은 극소수이다. 다시 물어보겠다. 그리스도는 누구이신가? 그리스도는 그분 안에서 하나님과 사람이 한데 모아지고 함께 연합된 분이시다. 그리스도의 죽음은 무엇인가? 그리스도의 죽음은 그분께서 입으신 사람의 모든 것의 종결이다. 또한 그리스도의 부활은 무엇인가? 그리스도의 부활은 그분 안에 계신 하나님의 모든 충만의 해방이다.그리스도 안에서 하나님과 사람이 한데 모아졌다. 하나님은 영광스럽고 거룩하시지만, 사람은 죄악이 가득하고 악하며 문제와 어려움이 가득하다. 그러나 영광스럽고 거룩한 하나님이신 그리스도께서 문제와 어려움이 많은 그러한 인성을 입으셨다. 이 그리스도는 하나님과 사람의 연합이시다. 주 예수님께서 이 땅에서 행하실 때 그분 안에는 하나님의 영광과 하나님의 생명과 함께 하나님의 본성이 있었고, 그분 밖에는 사람의 죄의 몸이 있었다. 내적으로 그분은 하나님의 거룩하고 영광스러운 생명을 지니신 하나님이셨다. 외적으로 그분은 죄의 몸을 지니신 사람이셨다.
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Exposed the growth of life <br><br> Section 4 being identified with Christ's death and resurrection, <br><br>Romans 83 verse God that He could not be the "law is weak because of the flesh. God is with regard to sin, sent his own Son in the form of flesh of sin, Theodore, He conviction for sin in the flesh, "he says. Also, Romans 6: 5 and Section 6, "we will, if he grew up in connection with his death look like, but also to grow even in the same shape as his resurrection connected with him. As we know, it is our old man is crucified with Jesus is for us not a slave to sin no more, that the body of sin is powerless, "he says. Furthermore, if continued, "we have died with Christ from verse 8 to verse 11 also believe it to live with him. And because Christ is risen from the dead, they do not die again, and we know that death does not dominate him again. ... Thus, you also yourselves dead to sin, for in Christ Jesus, but for God to people here in the mountains, "he says. These verses show us that God gives Christ the center of.<br><br>Central to the purpose of God in the universe is Christ. Although this objective is clearly becomes hidden in a secret but it is not recorded, but it is obvious that God's intent and purpose of Christ. Therefore, Christ is the center of God yisigo, yisimyeo purpose of God, the God of Secrets (Colossians 2:02). One day, God is taking off the veil has shown God's revelation of a secret to us. This revelation is Christ. This revelation is not about religion, about Jesus Christ. If we run worthy of religious life is not a revelation, it will be an any issue no. Rather, we would not really have any problems before God when there is no problem in the relationship with him, and who are in Christ. It all depends on Christ, it not depends on religion. Therefore, we must spend a lot of time and effort to understand who Christ is're talking about.<br><br>If we read the New Testament carefully, you will see that all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in jinisin that the body of Christ (Colossians 2:09). Christ is God Himself. He is the God (Romans 9:05, John 1:01). One day he is only flesh doesyeoseo ohsyeotji of humanity, inside his gyesyeotda God Himself. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ. The Bible says a lot about. We can not possess God, or seek God outside of Christ. All that God hath is in Christ. Yisinga Who is Jesus Christ? Christ is the dwelling place of God. Not only that, but the Bible also reveals to us that syeotdaneun brings the body When God became flesh. Christ is the Lord Himself, one day come to earth, he brings the toughness. This is what the Lord says you become flesh (John 1:14). Yisigo Word of God, the body is a person. Will also Romans 83 verse became the body of Christ when He went sent to this earth, that He gives to tell us that the shape of the body of sin, came in the form of flesh of sin. When the Lord Jesus became flesh, He put on a body, the body of the sins of the guilty. In other words, He was God put on the new personality. <br><br>God, Christ, become eccentric body<br><br>Christ is God yisyeotda you become flesh. He was God in the flesh sour mouth. We can meet God in Him, could meet someone in Him. All of God that was in Him, and all the people that were put to him. He yisyeotda union of God and man. It was all of God abide in him, was all the people that ran to him. Thus, the fullness of God, the glory of God, the God of life, the nature of God, in Him there is all of God. At the same time, He brings the body of a person. Thus, weak body, and all the people of the sins of the people who would lay Him. He brings people syeotjiman externally, internally he is without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). Although he is no will of the flesh, sin syeotjiman it has the shape of a body of sin. All the problems of the people were put to him. When he was on earth, outwardly He did all the same people. But one day he hath ascended a high mountain glory of God was in him since. Peter and James and John saw the glory of God in Him (Matthew 17: 1-2). Therefore, we all should be very clear that God yisyeotda the glory of Christ is wearing a toughness. All of God that was in Him, and all the people that were put to him. He is the Lord Himself who yisyeotda. <br><br>Christ's death also solve the problem of people<br><br>One day, the Lord Himself who died, who is Christ went to the cross. Body on the cross, and soon filled bakhyeotda syeotdeon toughness he brings. This is a great secret. But we have a deep awareness internally, there is no proper eonbyeon express it externally. Christ was God you become united with the people. Seureopjiman what belongs to God the glory whatsoever, no matter what belongs to the people what is the problem. All of God in Christ is seureopgo glory, holy, and spiritual, it was to belong to life. But both are human element in Christ was the problem that not only obscure the glory of God prevents the life of God is expressed. <br><br>One day, Christ in His human body, that he has put on the new personality if he handed over to death on the cross. His mouth was a new personality has nothing but crucified. As a result, he said the issue of syeotdeon physical incarnation in the mouth was fixed in a cross. Christ's death was treated as a body syeotdeon toughness he brings, but also in his liberation from the life of God, glorious life. Christ's death on the cross on one side had solved all the problems of the people, the men were treated to all that was the problem. In addition to the one side of the death of Christ has freed all of God that all things of the Spirit from within him. <br><br>Also the resurrection of Christ to liberate the life of God<br><br>This is what a marvelous story! When God Christ God brings you become physical toughness syeoteul crucified on the cross, He hath filled foil syeotdeon toughness he brings to one side, the other side he is freed gyesyeotdeon God in Him. That's all the death and resurrection of Christ. We said earlier that the Christ of God and the unity of the people. What then is the death of Christ Is? Also, what is the resurrection of Christ? On the other hand ended the death of Christ is that all of man, the resurrection of Christ has freed all of God. All of the people that was treated was freed of all that God. This is the death and resurrection of Christ. Unfortunately, the people who receive the light of God shining today among God's children, open eyes that they have accepted Christ yisiraneun Such minutes are very few. I'll ask again. Yisinga Who is Jesus Christ? Christ is being put together, God and man united in Him Ishida minutes together. What is the death of Christ? The death of Christ is the termination of all of the new people he brings. Also, what is the resurrection of Christ? Christ's resurrection is the liberation of all the fullness of God in Him.<br><br>God and the people were gathered together in Christ. Hasiji God is glorious and holy, who is full of sin and evil, and it is full of problems and difficulties. But he honored and holy God, Christ, he brings the toughness that many problems and difficulties. This Christ is the unity of God and man. Lord Jesus had the nature of God inside him with the glory of God and the life of God when haenghasil on earth, He was outside the body of the sins of the people. Internally he was God jinisin God's holy and glorious life. Externally He yisyeotda people jinisin the body of sin.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
The Longing of Life's Growth <br><br>Article 4 Equates christ's Death and Resurrection<br><br>Romans 8:3 says, "God has done what the law cannot do because of the flesh because of the flesh. God sent his own Son in the flesh of sin in connection with sin, and he convicted him of sin in the flesh." He says. Romans 6:5 and 6 also say, "If we grew up connected with Him in the same shape as His death, we would grow to be connected with Him in the same form as His resurrection. As we know, our old man crucified with Jesus is that the body of sin will become helpless and we will no longer be slaves to sin." He says. Furthermore, from verses 8 through 11, he continued, "If we die with Christ, We believe that we will live with Him. We know that christ has risen from the dead, that he will never die again, and that death will never rule over Him again. ... In this way, consider yourself dead for sin in Christ Jesus, but as a living man for God." He says. These verses show us that Christ is the center of God.<br><br>In the universe, God's center and purpose are Christ. Although this purpose is not clearly recorded and concealed in secrecy, it is clear that God's intentions and purposes are Christ. Therefore, Christ is the center of God, the purpose of God, and the secret of God (Goal 2:2). One day God stripped you of your unblossoms and showed us this secret, god's revelation. This revelation is Christ. This revelation is not about religion, but about Christ. It is not a revelation that if we practice religious life properly, there will be no problem. Rather, revelation is that when we are in Christ and have no problem with our relationship with Him, there is truly no problem before God. Everything is not about religion, but about Christ. Therefore, we must spend a lot of time and effort to know who Christ is.<br><br>If we read carefully of the New Testament, we will see that all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in the body-in-the-Body Christ (Goal 2:9). Christ is God himself. He is God (Romans 9:5, 1:1). One day He became the flesh and came into mankind, but in Him he was god himself. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ. The Bible says a lot about this. We cannot find God outside Christ or own Him. Everything God has is in Christ. Who is Christ? Christ is god's dwelling. In addition, the Bible also reveals to us that God wore the flesh when he was in the flesh. Christ is God, but one day he came to earth and wore humanity. This is the word of the flesh (D.1:14). The Word is God, and the flesh is a man. Romans 8:3 also tells us that When Christ was sent to earth, he became the flesh, that He came in the form of the body of sin and in the flesh of sin. When the Lord Jesus became flesh, He wore the body of sin, the body of sin. In other words, He was a human Being God.<br><br>Christ is the God of the Flesh<br><br>Christ was the god of the flesh. He was god in the flesh. We can meet God in Him and we can meet man in Him. Everything of God was in Him, and all of man was in Him. He was a union of God and man. Everything of God dwelled in Him, and all man was up to Him. Therefore, there was the fullness of God, the glory of God, the life of God, the nature of God, and everything from God. At the same time He wore the flesh of man. Accordingly, the weakness of man, the body of man's sin, and all things man were placed in Him. He was outwardly manly, but internally innocent (Gopost 5:21). Although He did not have the sins of the flesh, he had the appearance of the flesh of sin. All the problems of man were in Him. When He was on earth, outwardly He was like everyone. But one day he ascended to the high mountain, and the glory of God appeared from within him. Peter, James, and John saw the glory of God in Him (Matthew 17:1-2). Therefore, we should all be very clear that Christ was the God of glory in humanity. Everything of God was in Him, and all of man was in Him. He was God, but he was a man.<br><br>Christ's Death Solves Man's Problems<br><br>One day, christ, who is God but man, went to the cross and died. On the cross, the flesh, the human ity of His, was crucified. This is a great secret. We have a deep sense of internality, but there is no appropriate statement to express it externally. Christ was a united God with man. Whatever belongs to God is glorious, but whatever it belongs to man is a matter of concern. All of God in Christ was glorious, holy, spiritual, and lifeless. But all the human elements in Christ were not only obscure the glory of God, but also a matter of preventing the expression of God's life.<br><br>One day Christ was handed over to death on the cross with the body of His man, the human ity he had been put on. It was his humanity that he was crucified. As a result, the physical problems he wore in the flesh were solved on the cross. Christ's death dealt with the flesh and humanity he had suffered, and he also liberated God's life and glorious life from Him. On one hand, Christ's death on the cross solved all the problems of man and dealt with everything that was a problem for man. On the other side, Christ's death liberated all of God and everything from him and all of his spirit.<br><br>Christ's Resurrection Liberates God's Life<br><br>What an amazing story this is! In one way He nailed the humanity he wore when Christ, the fleshly God of humanity, was crucified on the cross, and on the other he liberated God who was in Him. This is all about Christ's death and resurrection. We have said earlier that Christ is a union of God and man. So what is Christ's death? And what is christ's resurrection? While Christ's death ended all man, the resurrection of Christ liberated all of God. All things of man were processed, and all of God was liberated. This is the death and resurrection of Christ. Unfortunately, very few people today have seen that the light of God in God's children is the light of God, and the eyes are open and that christ whom they have received is such a person. I'll ask you again. Who is Christ? Christ is united in Him by God and man. What is Christ's death? Christ's death is the end of all that He has been to. And what is christ's resurrection? The resurrection of Christ is the liberation of all the fullness of God in Him.<br><br>God and man were gathered together in Christ. God is glorious and holy, but man is full of sin, evil, and full of trouble and difficulties. But Christ, the glorious and holy God, suffered such humanity with many problems and difficulties. This Christ is the union of God and man. When the Lord Jesus acted on earth, there was the glory of God and the nature of God with the life of God, and there was a body of man's sin outside him. Internally, He was God who had the holy and glorious life of God. Outwardly, he was a man with a body of sin.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
The journey of life growth<br>Chapter four the Greek plan of death and resurrection<br>Rome 8:3 is God's saying, "the law cannot be done because of the weakness of the body. God said that he sent his son to the shape of sin and found guilty in the flesh. " In addition, in the case of Romans 6:5 and 6 and 6, if we were in the shape of his death and his resurrection, we would grow up with him. As we know, our ancients and Jesus were crucified together because of the weakness of the body of sin. We are no longer slaves to sin. " And, from verse 8 to verse 11, continue, "if we die with Greece, we believe in living with him. Greece also survived among the dead, so we know that it will never die again, and death will never dominate him. At the same time, it is also said that Greece is also a sin in Jesus, but it is a living person for God. " These sentences show us the center of the Greek God.<br>In the universe, the center and purpose of God is the Greek island. Although this purpose is not clearly recorded and hidden in secret, the intention and purpose of God is Greece. Therefore, the Greek island is God's center, God's purpose and God's Secret (ball 2:2). One day, God opened the veil, and the revelation of God showed us the secret. Apocalypse is the Greek island. This watch is not about religion, it's about the Greek Islands. It's not revelation. If we live a religious life, there's no problem. When we were in Greece, there was no problem with his relationship, there was no problem with God. It's all about religion, it's about Greece. Therefore, we have to spend a lot of time and effort to understand who Greece is.<br>If we read the new medicine carefully, we will see all the bodies of the God in the new Greek island. The Greek island is God himself. He is God (chrome 9:5, yo1:1). One day, he became a body and came to human beings, but he had God's confidence in him. Everything about the Godhead is in the Greek island. The Bible says a lot about it. We can't look for God or have God outside Greece. All that God has is in Greece. Who is the Greek island? The Greek island is the home of God. Not only that, the Bible also tells us that God wears the body. Greek island is God, but one day came to the land, put on human nature. It's physical (Monday: 14). Words are God, body is man. In addition, the third section of Rome Chapter 8 is that when Greece was sent to this land, it became a body, that is, he came in the shape of crime and said to us, the shape of crime. When Zhu Yixiu became a body, he wore the body of crime and sin. In other words, he is a god of human nature.<br>Greek island becomes the God of the body<br>Greece is also a physical God. He is the God in the flesh. We can see God in him and people in him. All of God is in his heart, and all of man is in his hand. He is a union of God and man. Everything of God is in his heart, and everything of man depends on him. Therefore, the glory of God, the life of God, the nature of God, the nature of God, all of God. At the same time, he put on his body. Therefore, the weakness, the crime and everything of a man are on him. He was dressed outside, but there was no sin in him (2 Gao 5:21). Though that<br>
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