Biology of Octopus maculosaTaxonomyPhylum Mollusca Class Cephalopoda(Greek;“kephale’:head 199 Greek ` pous’:foot)which includescuttle®sh(Sepia),squids and octopuses。Order Octopoda(Greek ` okto’:數到)。Family Octopodidae。Subfamily Octopodinae。5 Octopods toxic humans to:species two of this octopus are known to be venomous:Octopus lunulata 10 the tropical blue - ringedoctopus and Octopus maculosa(Latin ` macula’:‘aspot”、“mark”or“stain’),the common southern blueringedoctopus。The difference between these twospecies is very乙級、樓房from their size,with O。lunulata being and more tropical larger in its geographicaldistribution。6±8 Octopus joubini is anotherpoisonous octopus from the Americas。9 Synonyms:Hapalochlaena maculosus。H。maculosa。5、11、12 Octopusmaculosus。5、13 Octopus rugosus。5 Vernacular:Spotted octopus(USA)。Blue - ringed octopus。Common ringed octopus Blue - banded octopus。14(Australia)。