사람들은 교사, 목사, 의사, 직공, 상인, 우편집배원이 될 수 있었고, 음악가나 화가 또는 건축가도 될 수 있었다. 세상의 的英文翻譯

사람들은 교사, 목사, 의사, 직공, 상인, 우편집배원이 될 수

사람들은 교사, 목사, 의사, 직공, 상인, 우편집배원이 될 수 있었고, 음악가나 화가 또는 건축가도 될 수 있었다. 세상의 모든 직업에 이르는 하나의 길이 있었고, 하나의 전제조건이 있었으며, 하나의 학교, 즉 초보자를 위한 하나의 수업이 있었다. 그러나 시인이 되기 위한 길만은 존재하지 않았다! 시인이라는 것, 다시 말해 시인으로서 성공을 거두고 유명해지는 것이 금지되어 있지는 않았고, 심지어 명예로운 일로 간주되었다. 그런데 유감스럽게도 성공을 거두고 유명해지는 것은 대체로 죽은 뒤였다. 시인이 되는 것, 시인이 되려고 하는 것은 불가능했다. 내가 곧 알게 되었듯이, 그것은 우스꽝스러운 일이자 치욕이었다. 나는 상황을 금방 파악했다. 시인인 것은 괜찮지만 시인이 되려고 해서는 안 되었다. - 시인이 되겠다는 결심을 확고히 한 순간 첫 번째 변화가 일어났다. 이전의 모범 학생은 그때부터 불량학생이 되었다. 그는 처벌받았고 쫓겨났으며 어디서도 고분고분 말을 듣지 않았다. 그는 자신과 자신의 부모님에게 한없이 걱정을 끼쳤다. 이 모든 것은 단지 그가 현재 존재하고 있거나 존재하고 있는 것 같은 세계와 자신의 내면의 목소리 사이에서 화해의 가능성을 보지 못했기 때문이다. 이런 일이 이제 전쟁 기간에 새로이 되풀이되었다. 나는 지금까지 평화롭게 살았던 세계와 갈등에 빠진 것을 다시 알아챘다. 모든 일이 다시 실패로 돌아갔고, 다시 혼자가 되어 비참해졌으며, 말하고 생각한 모든 것은 다시 다른 사람들에 의해 적의가 담긴 오해를 받았다. 현실과 내게 바람직하고 합리적이며 좋게 여겨졌던 것 사이에 절망적인 심연이 가로놓였음을 다시금 깨달았다. - 그 후로 나는 여러 나라와 도시를 보았고, 여러 성당호가 해안에 서 잇었으며, 많은 여자들을 사랑했다. 책을 읽고 썼으며, 빵과 명예, 우정을 얻기 위해 애썼다. 빈곤에 쪼들렸고 터무니없는 일들을 겪었다. 이 모든 추억은 소년 시절 단 한 번 갔던 여름 바캉스의 추억과 비교하면 아무것도 아니고 시시하며 빛이 바랜다. 그러나 이 추억들이야말로 내가 고향 마을 골짜기에 돌아올 때마다 내게 그토록 기쁨을 주고 찡한 감동을 안기는 유일한 것이며, 매번 체류를 그토록 소중하게 만들고 이별을 그리도 힘들게 만들었다. 거리의 외진 구석마다 생생한 추억을 만들어 주는 곳, 골목의 조그만 장소마다 체험이 담겨 있는 그리운 곳이자 잊히지 않는 곳, 내가 소년 시절을 보낸 풍부하며 열정적인 삶의 잔광을 지닌 동화 같은 곳은 지구상에서 이 장소가 유일하다. - 기자가 공장에서 일어나는 모든 사고를 '비극적'이라 부르면 언어의 남용이듯(그들, 멍청이에게는 '유감스러운'과 같은 뜻이다), 불쌍하게 죽은 모든 병사에 대해 ‘장렬한 죽음’이라고 말한다면 이는 적지 않게 부당한 평가라고 할 수 있다. 우리는 분명 전쟁에서 죽은 병사에 대해 더없이 가엾은 마음으로 동정해 마땅하다. 그들은 때로는 엄청난 일을 해냈고, 고통을 겪었다. 그리고 그들은 결국 그들의 목숨으로 대가를 치렀다. 하지만 그렇다고 해서 그들이 ‘영웅’인 것은 아니다. 이는 단순한 병사로, 장교의 호통을 듣던 자가 총에 맞아죽었다고 해서 갑자기 영웅이 되는 것은 아닌 것과 마찬가지 이치다. 이처럼 수백만에 달하는 대중 전체의 ‘영웅’에 관한 생각은 그 자체로 불합리하다. - 내게 새로운 문학은 한동안 나의 체험, 나의 사고, 내 문제의 상징과 담당자가 될 만한 인물이 눈에 띄눈 순간 시작된다. 이런 신화적인 인물(페터 카멘친트, 크눌프, 데미안, 싯다르타, 하리 할러)의 출현은 모든 것이 탄생하는 창조적인 순간이다. 내가 썼던 산문문학은 거의 모두 영혼의 전기이다. 그 모든 문학에서 문제되는 것은 이야기, 갈등이나 긴장이 아니다. 나의 문학은 기본적으로 독백이다. 그러한 독백에서는 단 하나밖에 없는 개인, 곧 신화적인 인물이 세계와 자아에 대한 관계라는 차원에서 고찰된다. 사람들은 이러한 문학을 ‘장편소설’이라고 부른다. 그러나 실제로는 젊은 시절부터 나의 신성하고 위대한 모범, 가령 노발리스의
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
People could be teachers, ministers, doctors, artisans, traders, postman, could also be musicians or painters or architects. Was one length up to all professions in the world, was one of the prerequisites, there was one class for one school, namely beginners. But stride to become a poet, did not exist! Is called a poet, were not prohibited words would become famous for having success as a poet, it was considered honorable, even days. So afraid is becoming famous for having success regret was usually after death. It will be a poet, to become a poet was impossible. As I soon learned, it was a ridiculous and humiliating one. I understand the situation quickly. The poet was not only a poet to become okay. - <br><br>moment firmly decided to become a poet took place the first change. Previous best students are from then on was a bad student. He was born punishment had driven anywhere did not hear a compliant end. He had a boundless concern to him and his parents. All of this is just because they did not see the possibility of reconciliation between the world and your own inner voice like that, and there he was, or currently exists. Now these things were repeated in the new war. I noticed again that being in the world lived in peace and conflict so far. All this was it went back to the failed, miserably alone in the back and was telling the whole thing again misunderstood by others, contained the enemy thought. Realistic, reasonable and desirable to me as a hopeless abyss between what had been considered a good landscape lies the yeoteum realized again. -<br><br>Since then I have seen many countries and cities, the cathedral had several call iteot standing on the shore, loved many women. Read and wrote a book, I have tried to get the bread and honor, and friendship. Palazzo sounded poverty suffered the outrageous things. All memories are compared with the memories of a childhood summer vacation I went only once and light, not boring nothing is faded. But the memories of angineun Indeed, I will only impress jjinghan give me so much joy every time you come back to his home village valley, making every stay geurido making so important a difficult farewell. Place to make vivid memories every remote corner of the street, where every little place in an alley Experience does seaweed forget and miss the place packed, where I am rich, spent childhood and fairy tale with the afterglow of a passionate life is on Earth the place is unique. - <br><br><br>If a reporter say "fierce death 'for seemed abuse of language all the accidents at the plant verse as' tragic' (them, fumbling for meaning, such as' regrettable '), pity the dead, all soldiers that few so it can be called unfair assessment. We ought to be clearly identified as poor Absolutely mind about the dead soldiers in the war. They sometimes come up with an enormous one, suffered. And they finally paid the price with their lives. But that does not mean they are 'heroes'. This yichida just as a simple soldier, heard a yell at the officers who died gunned down by a sudden thing, not to be a hero. Thus, thinking about the hero of the popular full of millions is absurd in itself. -<br><br>The new literature is a person to be considered for a while, my experience, my thinking, a symbol of my problems with the staff begins the moment ttuinun me in the eyes. The emergence of these mythological figures (Peter Kamen chinteu, keunulpeu, Demian, Siddhartha, Harry Haller) is a creative moment that everything is born. I wrote prose literature are almost all electrical souls. What is the problem in all its literature is not a story, conflict or tension. My literature is basically a monologue. In such monologues it is considered in two dimensions is not only one person, even the mythical figure of relation to the world and the self. These people are called literary "novel." In practice, however, a young divinity and my great example from childhood, for example, the Novalis
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
People could be teachers, pastors, doctors, craftsmen, merchants, right-handers, musicians, painters, or architects. There was one way to all the professions in the world, there was one prerequisite, and there was one school, one for beginners. But there was no way to become a poet! Being a poet, in other words, was not forbidden to succeed and become famous as a poet, even as an honorable work. Unfortunately, success and fame were largely dead. It was impossible to be a poet or to be a poet. As I soon learned, it was a ridiculous thing and a humiliation. I quickly figured out the situation. It was okay to be a poet, but i should not be a poet. - <br><br>The first change occurred when he made a firm decision to become a poet. The former exemplary student then became a bad student. He was punished, kicked, and nowhere else he listened. He was constantly worried about himself and his parents. All this is simply because he has not seen the possibility of reconciliation between the world that currently exists or exists and his inner voice. This has now been renewed during the war. I have noticed again that I have fallen into conflict with a world that has lived peacefully until now. Everything went back to failure, and i became alone and miserable again, and everything I spoke and thought was again misunderstood by others. I realized again that there was a desperate abyss between reality and what was considered desirable, reasonable, and good for me. - <br><br>Since then I have seen many countries and cities, several cathedrals on the coast, and many women who loved them. He read and wrote books, and he struggled to earn bread, honor, and friendship. I was caught up in poverty and went through the absurdities. All these memories are nothing but sour and faded compared to the memories of summer vacations, which i only once went to as a boy. But these memories are the only things that make me so joyful and heartening every time I return to the valley of my home town, and each time I cherish my stay so much and make it so hard to break up. It's the only place on earth that makes vivid memories in every remote corner of the street, a nostalgic place where every small place in the alley contains experience, an unforgettable place, and a fairy tale with the remnants of a rich and passionate life i spent as a boy. - <br><br>If a reporter calls every accident in a factory a "tragedy" and an abuse of language (it means "sorry" for them, the idiots), it is a considerable unfair assessment if it is a "terrible death" for all the soldiers who have died poorly. We certainly deserve to be sympathetic to the soldiers who died in the war. They have done tremendous things at times and suffered. And they eventually paid for their lives. But that doesn't mean they're heroes. This is a simple soldier, and just because the person who listened to the officer's rant was shot and killed doesn't mean he suddenly becomes a hero. The idea of a "hero" for millions of people in the public is absurd in itself. - <br><br>For me, the new literature begins with a moment when I notice my experience, my thoughts, the symbolism of my problem, and the person in charge. The emergence of these mythical figures (Peter Kamenchint, Knuulf, Damian, Siddhartha, Hari Haller) is a creative moment where everything is born. The prose literature I wrote is almost all the biography of the soul. It is not the story, the conflict, or the tension that is problematic in all literature. My literature is basically a monologue. In such monologues, only one individual, a mythical figure, is considered in terms of the relationship between the world and the self. People call this literature a "feature-length novel." But in reality, from a young age, my divine and great example, for example,
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
People can become teachers, priests, workers, businessmen, postmen, musicians or architects. There is a way for all professions in the world. There is a precondition. A school has a course for beginners. But there is no way to be a poet! Poets are not regarded as poets. As poets, they are famous for their success and even regarded as a matter of reputation. But unfortunately, success is known after death. To be a poet is impossible. As I knew right away, it was a ridiculous thing, a disgrace I soon got hold of the situation. A poet is good, but he should not be a poet. Expressing reasons<br>Determined to become a poet, the first change took place in an instant. The former model student has become a bad student ever since. He was punished and driven out, never obeying obedience. He worries about himself and his parents endlessly. All this is because there is no possibility of reconciliation between the world he exists or exists in and his inner voice. This is now repeated during the war. Once again, I am aware of the world and contradictions in which we live in peace. All things failed again, another man became miserable, and everything he thought was misunderstood by others. In reality and with my wishes and reasonable circumstances, I am once again aware of the abyss of despair. Expressing reasons<br>After that, I saw cities with many countries, many shrines on the coast, and fell in love with many women Reading and writing, to obtain bread and reputation, friendship and efforts. Suffered from poverty, experienced absurd things. Compared with the memories of a summer vacation in my childhood, all these memories are nothing, boring and shining. But these memories are the only one that brings me such joy when I go back to my hometown, village and valley. Every time I stay so precious, leaving makes me very hard. Every quiet sentence in the street can create vivid memories. Every small place in a small alley contains places to experience and never forget. I spent my youth, and the only place on the earth is the fairy tale like place full of passionate life remains. Expressing reasons<br>If all the accidents happened to journalists in the factory are called "tragic", it's just like the abuse of language (they, stupid people, mean "regret"). It's a lot of improper evaluation to say "heroic death" to all the soldiers who died pitifully. We must sympathize with the soldiers who died in the war They sometimes do a great job and experience pain And they end up paying for their lives. But they are not "heroes.". This is a simple soldier. It's said that the officer's Tuba was shot dead. It's not that he suddenly became a hero. The idea of "hero" by millions of people like this is not reasonable in itself. Expressing reasons<br>For me, the new literature is my experience, my thinking, the symbol and person in charge of my problems, and it starts in a flash. The emergence of such mythical characters (patecament, cruff, De, sorry, mythical characters) is all creative moments. Almost all the prose I write are biographies of the soul. All literature has problems, not stories, contradictions and tensions. My literature is basically monologue. In this monologue, there is only one person, that is, the relationship between mythical characters and the world and themselves. People call these literatures "novels". But in fact, from a young age, my divine and great model, if norbaris's<br>
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