People could be teachers, pastors, doctors, craftsmen, merchants, right-handers, musicians, painters, or architects. There was one way to all the professions in the world, there was one prerequisite, and there was one school, one for beginners. But there was no way to become a poet! Being a poet, in other words, was not forbidden to succeed and become famous as a poet, even as an honorable work. Unfortunately, success and fame were largely dead. It was impossible to be a poet or to be a poet. As I soon learned, it was a ridiculous thing and a humiliation. I quickly figured out the situation. It was okay to be a poet, but i should not be a poet. - <br><br>The first change occurred when he made a firm decision to become a poet. The former exemplary student then became a bad student. He was punished, kicked, and nowhere else he listened. He was constantly worried about himself and his parents. All this is simply because he has not seen the possibility of reconciliation between the world that currently exists or exists and his inner voice. This has now been renewed during the war. I have noticed again that I have fallen into conflict with a world that has lived peacefully until now. Everything went back to failure, and i became alone and miserable again, and everything I spoke and thought was again misunderstood by others. I realized again that there was a desperate abyss between reality and what was considered desirable, reasonable, and good for me. - <br><br>Since then I have seen many countries and cities, several cathedrals on the coast, and many women who loved them. He read and wrote books, and he struggled to earn bread, honor, and friendship. I was caught up in poverty and went through the absurdities. All these memories are nothing but sour and faded compared to the memories of summer vacations, which i only once went to as a boy. But these memories are the only things that make me so joyful and heartening every time I return to the valley of my home town, and each time I cherish my stay so much and make it so hard to break up. It's the only place on earth that makes vivid memories in every remote corner of the street, a nostalgic place where every small place in the alley contains experience, an unforgettable place, and a fairy tale with the remnants of a rich and passionate life i spent as a boy. - <br><br>If a reporter calls every accident in a factory a "tragedy" and an abuse of language (it means "sorry" for them, the idiots), it is a considerable unfair assessment if it is a "terrible death" for all the soldiers who have died poorly. We certainly deserve to be sympathetic to the soldiers who died in the war. They have done tremendous things at times and suffered. And they eventually paid for their lives. But that doesn't mean they're heroes. This is a simple soldier, and just because the person who listened to the officer's rant was shot and killed doesn't mean he suddenly becomes a hero. The idea of a "hero" for millions of people in the public is absurd in itself. - <br><br>For me, the new literature begins with a moment when I notice my experience, my thoughts, the symbolism of my problem, and the person in charge. The emergence of these mythical figures (Peter Kamenchint, Knuulf, Damian, Siddhartha, Hari Haller) is a creative moment where everything is born. The prose literature I wrote is almost all the biography of the soul. It is not the story, the conflict, or the tension that is problematic in all literature. My literature is basically a monologue. In such monologues, only one individual, a mythical figure, is considered in terms of the relationship between the world and the self. People call this literature a "feature-length novel." But in reality, from a young age, my divine and great example, for example,