The amount of money involved here is about;小9649400(nine million forty nine six thousand,hundred and four hundred,Pounds。)in account with indefinite interest。Since the death of my client and I have made my bank;several inquiries to his embassy to locate extended family members or any of his relatives but this has proven unsuccessful。I came to know about you in my search for a person who shares the same as my client late last name。I employed the services of purpose solely LinkedIn search for this as I feel it would not have been the last wishes of my client for his whole life work late to be transferred to a government(Es cheat),he had always complained of their unfavorable public monetary policies and so on,taxes while he was alive。…是My bank has issued me to provide the next of several notices kin or the account risk been es cheat within the next 14 official working days。notice for The last claim came to my desk last week。