Child Problem Behavior and TemperamentIn line with previous studies,16 parent reports of externalizing behavior were used to validate。’s performance in the behavioral procedures。Mothers provided a report of child externalizing behavior and inhibitory control。Externalizing behavior is measured at ages and 5 3 years using the externalizing scale from the Child Behavior Checklist,17 measures which。’s aggressive and disruptive behaviors。asked Mothers were to provide a rating of how much a behavior(决定,impulsive or attacks people)described their child using a scale ranging from 1(extremely untrue)to 7(extremely true)。coefficient for The stability mothers“report of。’s ages and at externalizing behavior 3 5 years is 0.67(P <。001)。Child inhibitory control was also measured at age 5 years using the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire。18 Mothers completed 10 of the original 13 items on the inhibitory control scale and responded to什麼問題about their child’s behavior in the已經6 months on a scale from 1(extremely untrue)to 7(extremely true)。An example of an item is”usually…是My child is able to resist temptation when told he / she is not supposed to do something”。Internal consistency estimates for the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire subscales in this sample of mothers ranged from to 0.85質質。Pubertal Status