Packaging materials are one of the concerns in the manufacture of halal cosmetics. Materials used<br>in the production of the primary and secondary packaging must also comply with halal standards.<br>Generally, packagingmaterials aremade fromhalal sources but awareness on the origin of animal-derived<br>ingredients used as aids in the manufacture of packaging must be recognized. Manufacturers of halal<br>cosmetics must secure packaging materials from reputable producers of halal packaging [94]. Product<br>accessories (e.g., application tools, brushes) must not be derived from porcine, human, or other<br>haram materials.<br>The distribution system has to ensure that halal cosmetic products reach the market maintaining<br>their halal status without being contaminated by haram materials or najis. Halal cosmetic products are<br>recommended to be handled and shipped separately from non-halal ones to avoid cross-contamination