C. Ergonomic BehaviorsThe chair should be adjusted to allow placing feet firmly onthe floor or a footrest, with the hip slightly flexed and theknees kept at 60-90 degree angle.Adjustable chairs arerecommended with the backrest of 6 to 9 inches high and atleast 12 inches wide in the lumber region to make itcomfortable to sit on.Note that sitting upright is less desirablethan reclining that makes the lower back muscles work lessand the spine to support less weight.Computer users shouldtake frequent short breaks e.g. 30 second breaks every tenminutes while keeping hands away of the keyboard and lettingarms drop at the side.Also they should change the sittingposition every fifteen minutes by getting up from the chair anddo a few exercises to loosen the neck and shoulder muscles.For those who perform more that 2 or 3 hours of keyboardinga day should take a break at least every 30 minutes.