An alternative polymer for blending with gelatin to<br>improve its properties, we took an interest in using<br>carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a derivative of cellulose by<br>reacted with sodium hydroxide and chloroacetic acid. Due<br>to its good viscosity building, high shear stability,<br>biocompatibility, easily available and very cheap compared<br>to other polysaccharides, It has widely used in many fields<br>[10,11]. In medical applications, CMC was used as a<br>hydrogel for wound dressing [12], a scaffold for various<br>tissue engineering applications [13] and an injectable<br>material for bone augmentation [14]. The current study<br>focused on the scaffolds made from gelatin modified with<br>CMC in various ratios. Physical and mechanical properties<br>of the modified scaffolds were evaluated in comparison to<br>the conventional gelatin scaffold.