♡ 2019. 12. 10 New Testament Recovery Station 700 Series ♡<br>176/700 (one verse per day for two years)<br><br>What does The Bible say in Rom 4:3? "Abraham believed in God 1, and it was considered two by his righteous." I said.<br><br>Rom 4:3 For what does the Scripture say? "And Abraham believed God, and it was accounted for him as righteousness."<br><br>"Footnote 1) I believed"<br>Abraham's belief in God was a natural response to God's repeated manifestations upon him. God has appeared to Abraham many times (Gen. 12:1-3, 7, 13:14-17, 15:1-7, 18, Acts 7:2), and each time he has transferred something of His glory, something belonging to Himself, into Abraham. Therefore, Abraham's faith was that the elements that God had moved into Abraham were actually ejected from him. For Abraham's faith, God told him to be righteous. In other words, he was justified. What God considered righteous was not Abraham's act, but based on his belief in God.<br><br>"Footnote 2) Was considered"<br>If it is straight, it was calculated.