1.什麼是喜歡圭賢的原因?(請輸入不超過兩行)第一次,圭賢變得感興趣在文書中我們結婚是那麼 100 Pro 伯爵興趣正如我們看到其他圖像從那時候,就好像它是自治州的另一個魅力特別法令認真看上去好像唱歌是秋天看起來像一個頑皮的孩子,像顯示整天去認真,給,Gyu 自治州帶來了你在這裡我看到 ^ ^2.請請寫撰寫自治州法令的所有字元。我想你還記得嘿,方式3.今後,圭賢伸手去任何你想要一個風扇的星星嗎?(請輸入不超過兩行)嗯......沒錯,但最困難的問題很容易 — —......Expect this hard or kyuhyun and you can lean a little strength, but strength can be a true fan would like to be a true fan, of course I don't know what it's like at least the basis of kyuhyun is feeling and feeling can give force and want to be a fan ^ ^ especially when I reached up, such as in the application of this energy star the biggest reason to live for the first time, the total has been involved the ball but that also nunting Kyu was one of the stars, this is a total ball writes encouragement and empathy, while writing I wanted to praise you can't Bonnie heaviness merit ㅠ ㅠ forward rated by larger rated can be submitted by a small force, but by combining their powers to small Kyu star rated by這不是更像是大顆閃亮的星? ^^