Ice Cream Ice cream top
I'll melt you down like Ice cream top
Ice cream Ice cream top
I'll melt you down like Ice cream top
I'm sweet ice-cream you melting and refreshing walk Ice back to top
cream cream cream cream cream top
chocolate Ice cream my black skin top
sweet Ice cream cream cream cream cream top
Oh, it is Hey boy comes back to top
them were equally ordeals on top
Hey Girl I don't know I don't know I don't know, maybe I don't rush to don't thank BoyMa diamond ring so bling bling top
I'll show you my Sexy swag top
look at it when you're, but you will come up surrender top
I got 31 flava sometimes like a vanilla sweet, melt you back to top
, You, got that top
today I do you really top
I sweet Ice cream you melting and refreshing walk Ice back to top
cream cream cream cream cream top
chocolate Ice cream my black skin top
sweet Ice cream cream cream cream cream top
I liked the, then I came back to top
just you don't staring back to top
"You Love Me, let`s give back to top
you, you, and you'd you're my back to top
I walked into'll melt you down like Ice cream top
I'll melt you down like Ice cream top
Ma diamond ring so bling bling top
I'll show you my Sexy swag top
look at it when you're, but you will come up surrender top
I got 31 flava sometimes Shooting star pop pop! Thank you, but on melt, One more time to you today I really big back to top
I'm sweet Ice cream you melting and refreshing walk Ice back to top
cream cream cream cream cream top
chocolate Ice cream my black skin top
sweet Ice cream cream cream cream cream top
I liked the, then I came back to top
just you don't staring back to top
love, tell me, let`s give back to top
you, you, and you'd you're my back to top
Hands I fell in the air shook Oh yeah top
Hands in the air Let me to see you get down low low low top
Hands in the air like Oh Oh yeah yeah top
I'll melt you down like Ice cream top
I'll melt you down like Ice cream top
I'm sweet Ice cream you're melting and walked back to top
fresh Ice cream cream cream cream cream top
chocolate Ice cream my black skin top
sweet Ice cream cream cream cream cream top
I'll melt you down like Ice cream top