Evaluation of submitted tissue reveals characteristics consistent with subungual malignant melanoma due to the anatomic location, cell pleomorphism, nuclear atypia, suspicious melanin pigments, and high MC.This is a malignant neoplasm of melanocytes of the nailbed epithelium.The peak incidence is between 8 and 12 years of age.Breeds at increased risk are Scottish terrier, giant schnauzer, rottweiler, miniature schnauzer, and standard schnauzer.No predilection has been noted .Subungual malignant melanoma is usually slow growing, and many will already have invaded and destroyed the underlying bone at the time of initial examination.As with all malignant melanomas, these neoplasms metastasize via lymphatics to regional lymph nodes and lungs.28% cases have either regional LN or distant metastasis at the time of presentation.However, those neoplasms removed at an early stage in their development with amputation of the entire digit and not just the third phalanx, may have a better prognosis than cutaneous and oral malignant melanomas.Dogs with digital malignant melanoma have 1- and 2-year survival of 42% to 57% and 13% to 36%, respectively, after treatment with surgery alone.Some studies that evaluated the effect of carboplatin chemotherapy, but there is no significant difference with the inclusion of chemotherapy.In this case, amputation of the entire digit is recommended.Comprehensive evaluation on distant metastasis by image examination, and nodal metastasis by FNA/palpation, are crucial for determination of prognosis and establishing the treatment scheme (especially in case with metastasis, systemic therapy may be needed).