My email icon for Miho vacant let me know exactly how and where too comfy living room and the second floor room at the Inn and two and three-storey room got air conditioning, comfortable in the hot weather on the second place and in the living room-Hee to do not have tools and kitchen utensils, machines are conveniently located and open the glass doors in front of the table have a washing machine washing machine should not be less than 30 minutes of time turning laundry has been great living room one floor in the bathroom on the second floor for the non-toilet there is no non-sliding doors closing on wooden doors, but there is no fun to be largely uncomfortable 2 nights 3 days trip from Osaka, was able toIt is just uncomfortable coming into the House to all those hoping Japan souvenirs (konjac jelly, figures, and should not be), buy in bulk and load is on the 1st floor in the living room a little cramped and the pathway that goes up to the second floor the wind keeping carrier could go up 3 floors holding is climbing stairs like width is very narrow, if not very difficult except for that arrogant tough on the way to the quarters without tennoji abeno station is coming up from the tennoji abeno is different from one possible route would be going a little bit more a hostel in abeno, Osaka took just 10 minutes walk from the hostel in tennoji takes not only within walking distance of the hostel through the tennoji featured top. 오사카를 다녀온지 4번째 되는데 3번째 여행때 에어비엔비를 알게되어 숙소를 잡고 결제까지 마쳤으나 호스트의 사정으로 집이 여행가기5일전에 취소 되어 호텔로 예약하여 비싸게 여행했는데 4번째 여행때 다시 에어비엔비를 믿고 숙소를 잡았는데 비용이 생각보다 너무 저렴해서 좋았다 오사카 유니버셜 스튜디오 15주년이라 조만간 다시 여행을 할 예정인데 다시 묵고 싶은 정도로 왠만한 호텔보다 좋은 집이다 이곳에 묵는 모든 여행자들에게 축복이 있기를^^