안녕하세요. 마비노기 영웅전입니다. 2015년 12월 23일 수요일, 정식 서버 업데이트 후 적용되는 변경점은 다음과 같습니다的英文翻譯

안녕하세요. 마비노기 영웅전입니다. 2015년 12월 23일 수

마비노기 영웅전입니다.

2015년 12월 23일 수요일,
정식 서버 업데이트 후 적용되는 변경점은 다음과 같습니다.


■ 캐릭터
- '델리아' 캐릭터 생성 시 캐릭터 소개 영상을 추가합니다.
- '델리아'의 '다리', '비만도', '근육' 체형 조절 시 다리 길이가 짧아지는 현상을 수정합니다.
: 해당 체형을 조절하신 분들께는 '기본 외모 변경권'을 지급해 드립니다.
- '델리아'가 공격 후 이동으로 전환 가능한 시점을 앞당깁니다.
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- '델리아'가 빨리 달리기 도중 멈춰 섰을 시 미끄러지는 거리가 감소합니다.
- '델리아'의 공통 공격 스킬의 다운 대미지가 상승합니다.
- '델리아'의 스킬 '웨폰가드' 가드 성공 시 공격한 방향을 바라보도록 변경합니다.
- '델리아'의 스킬 '웨폰가드' 가드 지속시간이 대폭 증가합니다.
- '델리아' 캐릭터의 '프린세스 스텝' 회피의 무적시간이 대폭 증가합니다.
- '델리아' 스킬 '제미니 스타라이트' 공격 중 '웨폰가드' 및 '프린세스 스텝' 사용이 가능합니다.
- '델리아'의 스킬 '이니셜 슈팅스타' 공격 성공 시 SP 습득량이 증가합니다.
- '델리아'의 스킬 '라스트 슈팅스타' 공격 성공 시 SP 습득량이 증가합니다.
- '델리아'의 '심폐부담' 상태효과 지속시간을 20분으로 변경합니다.
- '델리아'의 스킬 설명 영상을 추가합니다.
- '델리아'로 PvP 진행 시 다단히트 공격이 정상적으로 적용되지 않는 현상을 수정합니다.
- '델리아'의 다음 스킬의 습득 레벨을 변경합니다
: '썬 플레어' F랭크 3레벨 습득 가능
: '주피터스 벨트' F랭크 3레벨 습득 가능
: '스타 스크래퍼' F랭크 3레벨 습득 가능
: '제미니 스타라이트' F랭크 5레벨 습득 가능
: '스타 디바이더' F랭크 5레벨 습득 가능
- '린'의 스킬 '섬풍'으로 회피 불가능한 공격을 피할 수 있는 현상을 수정합니다.
- '린' 캐릭터 생성 시, 스킬 미리보기 5번째 스킬을 '삼연섬'으로 변경합니다.
- '크로스건'을 사용하는 '카이'의 '리볼빙'이 이따금 정상 작동하지 않는 현상을 수정합니다.
- '배틀사이드'를 사용하는 '이비'가 '헬 퀘이크' 공격 시 마지막 공격 판정이 발생하지 않는 현상을 수정합니다.
- '배틀사이드'를 사용하는 '이비'의 스매시 '소울 스큐어' 공격 판정 길이가 연출에 걸맞게 소폭 증가합니다.

■ 전투
- 전투 출항 시도 중 발생하는 클라이언트 응답없음 현상을 일부 완화합니다.
- 전투 출항 시 캐릭터의 외형이 변하는 현상을 수정합니다.
- 일부 몬스터로부터 '델리아' 장비를 획득할 수 없는 현상을 수정합니다.

■ 스토리
- 서브 스토리 '살아남은 자의 책임'의 내용을 일부 변경합니다.
: 신전에 티이가 없어 스토리를 진행할 수 없는 현상을 수정합니다.

■ 아이템
- '델리아' 캐릭터로 해당 아이템을 사용할 수 없는 현상을 수정합니다.
: '머리 위의 판다 선물상자', '넥슨별: 스페셜 엘레강트 퍼 세트', '고딕웨어 아바타 세트'
- '초승달의', '죽은자의', '황혼의' 인챈트 스크롤의 설명에 '심해의 선고'에 사용 가능함 안내를 추가합니다.
- 1/23(토) 골든타임(꿀타임) 이벤트로 지급 될 예정인, '마영전은 여섯살' 타이틀이 타이틀 리스트에서 보이는 현상을 수정합니다.

■ PC방
- 'PC방 용병 지원품' 상점에 '아바타 자유이용권 (PC방 전용)'을 추가합니다.

■ 우편
- '모르반' 지역에서 전투 출항 시, 배 위에서 우편함이 열리지 않는 현상을 수정합니다.


항상 노력하는 마비노기 영웅전이 되겠습니다.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
How are you. Vindictus. Wednesday, December 23, 2015, Full server after the update is applied, the changes are as follows.=============================================================== ■ Character -' Introduction ' character creation: footage of Delia. -' Delia ' of ' the bridge ', ' health ', ' muscle ' body control: fixed the leg length is shorter. Those who control the body: after changing the default appearance of the ' rights '. -' Delia ' go after the attack at the front as possible transition. -' Delia ' transformation and improve the quality of motion. -' Stand ' to quickly stop during running Delia: the sliding distance is reduced. -' Delia ' common attack skill of damage rises. -' Delia ' skill ' weapon guard ' to see the direction in which the guard attacked the success. -' Delia ' skill ' weapon guard ' guard duration increased dramatically. -' Delia ' character ' Princess step ' avoidance of invincibility time increased dramatically. -' Delia ' skill ' Gemini ' Starlight ' attack weapon guard ' and ' Princess step '. -' Delia ' skill ' initial success and gain a shooting star ' attack will increase the amount of SP. -' Delia ' skill ' in the last shooting star ' attack will increase the amount of SP acquisition success. -' Delia ' bear ' status ' of the effect duration, cardiopulmonary is 20 minutes. -' Delia ' skill description, add the video. -' Delia ' PvP during multistage heat fixed the attack normally does not apply. -' Delia ' will change to the next level of mastery of a skill : ' Sun flare ' F rank gain 3 levels available : ' F ' Jupiters belt rank gain 3 levels available : ' Star skyscraper ' F it is possible to acquire the PageRank 3 levels : ' Gemini star Lite ' F rank gain 5 levels available : ' F ' ranked level 5 star dividers available for acquiring -' Lin ' skill ' Island style ' can avoid an attack impossible to circumvent, modify the status quo. -' Lin ' character creation: a preview of the fifth skill, skill ', change the ' island ' three open. -The ' cross ' and use ' Chi ' of ' revolving credit is not normal operation on and off ' phenomenon. -' Use ' the battle side ' non-Greek ' Quake ' attack does not happen the last attack fixed yields. -' Use ' the battle side ' non ' smash ' soul skewer ' attack will increase the length of the narrow directing award. ■ The battle -Battle sail no phenomenon of client response to try some relief. -Fixed the character's appearance changes upon departing the battle. -Some of the monster from the Delia ' fixed unable to acquire the equipment. ■ Story -Sub story ' some contents of the surviving party responsibility '. : Do not proceed to this at a story that can't be fixed. ■ Items -' Delia ' character, fixed the item is not available. : ' Head above the Panda gift box ', ' NEXON Star: special Riverside Trail flops set ', ' Gothic ware avatar set ' -' New Moon ', ' dead ', ' Twilight ' Chan Tran scroll as described in ' the deep lines and available guidance '. -1/23 (SAT) Prime time due to be paid to the event (honey), ' do young I look at the six-year-old ' fixed titles list. ■ PC room -' Bear ' support for store room PC ' avatar free pass (PC room only) '. ■ Zip -' Don't know ' in the area of the battle departed, fixed that open the Inbox above. ===============================================================We will always try to Mabinogi. Thank you.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
The Mabinogi. Wednesday, December 23, 2015, Changes are applied after planting the server updates are as follows: ======================== ======================================= ■ character - 'Delia' introduction character when the character creation add an image. - 'Delia' of the 'bridge', 'obesity', 'Muscle' body during the adjustment feet to modify the symptoms to shorten the length.: those who have adjusted their body has paid a 'basic appearance, change volume " We will. - 'Delia' is pulling in front of the switchable time to move and attack. - 'Delia' to improve the quality of transforming the motion. - 'Delia' slips when stopped during a fast run is the distance decreases. - 'Delia' rise is down damage common attack skill. - 'Delia' skills' Weapon Guard 'guard successful attack will change to look in one direction. -' Delia 'skills' weapon guard, the guard duration increases significantly. - 'Delia' is invincible time of Princess step 'avoidance of the character increases significantly. -' Delia 'skills' Gemini Starlight' Attack of the 'Weapon Guard' and 'Princess step' use are available. - 'Delia' skills 'initials Shooting Star attack the SP acquisition amount will increase. -' Delia 'skills' Last Shooting Star attack the SP acquisition amount will increase. - 'Delia' of 'cardiopulmonary burden' status effect Change the duration to 20 minutes. - 'Delia' adds the Skill video. - "Delia" in PvP multi-hit attack when proceeding to modify the symptoms are not properly applied. - The next skill 'Delia' Change the master level : it is learned "Sun Flare 'F rank three levels : Can now be learned 'Note Peters belt' F rank three levels : Can now be learned 'star scraper' F rank three levels : acquisition, Gemini Starlight 'F Rank 5 level Available: Star divider 'F Rank 5 level learning possible. -' lean 'skills' seompung 'to modify the symptoms to avoid the unavoidable attack -' lean 'characters when creating, skill Preview fifth skill' samyeon islands 'change in. - Cross Gun' of 'chi' using 'revolving' is occasionally modify the symptoms are not functioning normally. - 'Battle' used to 'Ibi' a 'side Hell Quake' attack Modify during the last attack determination does not occur phenomenon. - 'Battle Side' of 'Evie' to use the smash Soul's Cure 'attack determination length is slightly increased befitting a director ■ battle - occurred during combat sail attempt to relieve some of the clients no response phenomenon. - Corrects the phenomenon appearance changed character during battle departure. - Modify the phenomenon can not obtain the 'Delia' equipment from some monsters ■ Story - Sub-story 'surviving party Responsibility: Change some of the content of: no Chantilly in the temple to modify the symptoms can not proceed with the story ■ item - 'Delia' character to modify the symptoms can not use that item. 'heads above pandas gifts ',' Nexon Stars: Special elegant superset ',' Gothic Wear Avatar set "-" the crescent of the '' dead '' Twilight of use in sentencing deep-sea '' Enchant Scroll to the description of "Available Information Add the. - 1/23 (to) Golden Time (honey-time), to be paid in the event, "the six-year-old Matthew zero 'title to modify the symptoms seen in Titleist ■ PC room -' PC room mercenaries jiwonpum 'adds the Avatar free pass (PC room only) "in store" ■ Mail -' do not know when the battle departed in half 'area, boat developing modify the mailbox does not open on ========= ================================================== ==== always pushes Mabinogi that endeavor. Thank you.

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
hello. become a hero of the anger.

in 2015, on december 23, the server updates the applicable boundary points as follows.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ■

- "on the role of" character to create a character image are added to the introduction.
- "on the" "on" or "off", "criminal law" regulation of muscle of leg length is short, do not modify the phenomenon.
:the size of your control to change the appearance of their "right" to pay.
- "on the move", you can now switch to the appropriate machine.
- "on the" change to improve the quality of the motion.
- "on the run" was soon stopped by the sliding distance is reduced.
- "on the" common attack is a technique of the rise.
- "on the" skills "to the successful" the sound to the attack at the direction of them.
- "on the" skills "," the way the sound duration is greatly increased.
- "on the" role of the "princess" to avoid the time of droplet is greatly increased.
- "on the" skills "gemini star light", "sound" in the attack and the "princess" of the use can be.
- "on the" skills "shooting star" in the initial attack on the successful? how about the amount of the increase.
- "on the" skills "at the end of the shooting star" attack on the successful? how about the amount of the increase.
- "on the" heart "of the" state of the heart of the duration of 20 minutes.
- "on the" skills that add to the image.
- "on the" do PvP for multi-stage heat attack does not apply to normal of the crystal.
- "on the" master of the technique level, change the old. "open" f grade 3 level can learn, "jupiter," the third level, they can learn to produce the risk of the paper: "star" level 3 level can learn f
:"gemini star light" f grade 5 level can learn, "star" status through the divider 5 f
- "can we" technique "and" escape from the island to attack it can avoid the phenomenon of crystal.
- "we" character generation, in order to advance the fifth skill "3 change" to the island. the "cross", or "the use" of "a" from time to time at normal operation does not change the phenomenon.
- "the game" with "rain", "health" as the earthquake attack the attack does not occur the phenomenon of change. the "combat", "use" is not "out of" the soul "of the queue length in the attack to a slight increase. the ■

- in the sea from the client, with no part of the relaxation phenomenon. the role of the set point, the shape change of the crystal.
some of the monster "- from" on the equipment can get the crystal.

- ■ story the story "survive" the responsibility of the contents of the change. the times: the story of progress, there is no phenomenon of crystal. ■

- "on the road". the role of the project can not be used to modify the phenomenon. the head of the giant, "gift box", "strait's special: special elegant super set", "gothic clothing" afanda "set", "-" the moon, the"the people", "bright" could explain the "the" in the depths of the ocean was not available).
- 1 / 23 (saturday), prime time (time to pay to change) the event is scheduled for 6 years. the "champion" title, this phenomenon in the crystal. ■

- "internet cafes internet cafes military support. the" avatar "free ticket (internet cafes dedicated" to add.

■ post - "don't know" in the area of the half of the sea, in the mailbox is not open to change the phenomenon.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =,

in the work of the fire spread.
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