Build [edit]Stan: standard (the Standard), the standard. Ordinary build. One of the most. In some cases, like this a heck of a lot of these ordinary men to build, a non-invasive. The other categories that are not included in the so-called ' Uncategorized ' if it is usually called the Stan himself.Semi-Keun: (Semi-reason). Stan says that a glimpse of the muscular physique. The most popular is good.Muscle: a muscle build, literally. Primarily in bulk means that the people who formed a to some extent.Slim: a skinny build, literally. To the extent that not seem dry to the bone is usually slim and look at that. Don't pry, because sometimes called slim slim is ambiguous. You claim to.A glimpse of the muscle from the muscular Slugger: slim physique. Or do muscle come from build. Depending on the presence or absence of muscle, slim and a significant difference. In some cases, if you come up with this slim dew diligence so be careful. A similar body type tend to be hanging out alone. Go to the closest English twink, slim Cupid series.