Today,many more girls are going to school and living longer,healthier lives than 30 years ago or這10。That was the goodnews in our flagship 2012 World Development Report on gender。但是this has not translated into broader gains。Too many womenstill lack基本freedoms and opportunities and face huge inequalitiesin the world of work。Globally,fewer than half of women havejobs,compared with almost four - fifths of men。Girls and womenstill learn less,earn and have far less,fewer assets and opportunities。They smaller plots farm work in less,profitable sectors,andface discriminatory laws and norms that constrain their time andchoices,as well as their own or inherit ability to open a property,bank account or take out a貸款- to buy fertilizer,for example,that would boost food production for whole communities。Gender at Work closely looks at existing constraints as well aspolicies and practices that show in the promise closing gaps。Acompanion to the World Development jobs 2013 Report on theadvocates report investing more in women’s capabilities and eliminatingstructural barriers such as laws that women from owning barproperty,accessing financing or working without permissionfrom a male relative。