9. take it slow (修 改)
(danny allen Solo night, gave me a breakfast, you can find me, i can understand, do not have any trouble, don't be afraid to accept me to become. fuzzy came to your breath, you can display up to your face a little wet, in the heart to feel the way
. We can take it slow shaking hands, soft lips and i touch me, just leave me here, please accept my bodyi love the quiet one in them to give me my dear, take it slow shaking hands, soft lips as i kiss each other's body, so give me the night, who do not know love me
the warm hide the light. don't be ashamed of me, 겠니 coming. no doubt the road, not the next, i just want to be you want to know more just vaguely
. i came out of breath in my hand, couldn't stop, and at one point. to sob, and collar.so please accept me
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We can take it slow shaking hands, soft lips to touch me, you will leave me. i accept my side, quietly the 사랑을 them to give me my dear, take it slow shaking hands, soft lips as i kiss each other's body, so give me the night, who do not know love me
beautiful, precious, you only remember you. live 원했. so, more to protect.it is of no use now, it is no more a kind of understand my heart, sweet time. in it, we have to know it better than anyone else, i love you, i love you forever, i promise We can take it slow shaking hands soft lips, as if to give him to me, just leave me here, my body, my side quietly accept your love in them to give me my dear, take it slow shaking hands, soft lips on my mouth, 맞춰.in each other's body, so the night, who also don't know to love with me, you know, your all i play i do, "ll anything for you, i love you, love you, i'm always Until, the end, the end until