2019년 가을 국제장로훈련사람을 창조하신 하나님의 목적을 성취하는 한 새사람메시지 8한 새사람을 위해 하나님의 청지기 직분을的英文翻譯

2019년 가을 국제장로훈련사람을 창조하신 하나님의 목적을 성취

2019년 가을 국제장로훈련사람을 창조하신 하나님의 목적을 성취하는 한 새사람메시지 8한 새사람을 위해 하나님의 청지기 직분을 수행함성경: 골 1:25, 엡 3:2, 9, 고전 4:1-2, 9:16-17, 벧전 4:108주 2일Ⅱ. 하나님의 신약 경륜 안에는 하나님의 청지기 직분에 대한 절박한 필요가 있다 ― 딤전 1:4, 골 1:25.A. 청지기 직분은 하나님의 신약 경륜을 수행하기 위한 하나님의 신성한 안배이다 ― 엡 3:2, 고전 9:17.B. 하나님의 경륜은 모든 믿는 이들에게 주어진 하나님의 청지기 직분이 되었다 ― 엡 3:2, 9.1. 에베소서 3장에서 바울이 사용한 ‘오이코노미아’라는 헬라어 단어는 두 가지 의미를 갖는다.a. 하나님과 관련하여 ‘오이코노미아’는 하나님의 경륜을 의미한다 ― 엡 3:9.b. 우리와 관련하여 ‘오이코노미아’는 청지기 직분을 의미한다 ― 엡 3:2.c. 하나님의 청지기 직분은 하나님의 경륜에 따른 것이다. 하나님께 그것은 경륜의 문제이고, 우리에게 그것은 청지기 직분의 문제이다.2. 은혜의 청지기 직분은 우리가 자라고 교회가 되도록 그리스도의 풍성을 우리 존재 안으로 분배하는 것이다 ― 엡 3:8.C. 성경 전체의 중심 요점은 하나님 자신을 사람 안으로 분배하시려는 하나님의 마음의 갈망이다 ― 빌 2:13, 엡 1:5, 9, 3:17상.1. 하나님의 경륜은 하나님 자신을 사람 안으로 분배하는 일을 수행하는 것이다 ― 엡 3:9.2. 하나님의 영원한 목적을 성취할 수 있는 한 새사람은 하나님의 지속적이고도 영원한 분배를 받아들인다 ― 엡 2:15, 4:24, 3:17상.a. 한결같이 흐르는 강물처럼 하나님은 새사람의 일부인 사람들 안으로 그분 자신을 조금씩 분배하신다 ― 계 22:1.b. 하나님의 지속적이고 한결같으며 영원한 분배하심은 우리를 조성하고, 우리를 조율하며, 우리를 함께 건축한다.아침의 누림엡 3:8 하나님께서 모든 성도들 중에 가장 작은 이보다 더 작은 나에게 이 은혜를 주신 것은 그리스도의 측량할 수 없는 풍성을 이방인들에게 복음으로 전하게 하시고,2:15 규례들로 된 계명의 율법을 자기 육체 안에서 없애 버리셨습니다. 이것은 이 둘을 그분 자신 안에서 한 새사람으로 창조하시어 화평을 이루시려는 것이며,바울은 모든 믿는 이들 안으로 그리스도를 분배했다. 바울을 통하여 그와 같은 분배를 받아들인 믿는 이들은 자신들이 받아들인 그 공급으로 자랄 수 있었다. 이것을 통하여 우리는 바울의 사역이 분배하는 사역, 즉 그리스도의 측량할 수 없는 풍성을 우리의 존재 안으로 분배함으로써 우리를 자라게 하고 교회가 되게 하는 사역이었음을 볼 수 있다. 바울은 그리스도의 풍성을 다만 성도들 개개인 안으로 분배했을 뿐 아니라, 또한 단체적인 몸 안으로 분배했다.(고린도전서 라이프 스타디, 34장, 330쪽)오늘의 읽을 말씀사도 바울은 에베소서를 매우 의미 있는 방식으로 썼다. 1장에서 바울은 그리스도의 몸이 삼일 하나님의 분배에 의해 어떻게 산출되고 존재하게 되는지를 우리에게 보여 준다. 그런 다음에 2장에서 바울은 하나님의 분배에 의해 그리스도의 몸이 된 이들의 역사(歷史)를 다른 각도에서 보여 주기 시작한다. 그것을 배경으로 하여 그는 하나님의 분배에서 산출된 보배로운 교회가 하나의 걸작품, 곧 천사들도 노래하기를 매우 좋아하는 우주 안에서 너무나 아름다운 시라는 것을 우리에게 보여 준다. 천사들은 한 죄인이 구원받는 것을 볼 때마다 노래한다. 천사들은 교회를 볼 때 분명히 더욱더 노래할 것이다. 그 후에 바울은 그리스도께서 그분의 죽음과 부활 안에서 그분의 신성한 요소를 재료로 하여 우주적인 한 새사람을 산출하셨다는 것을 보여 준다. 마지막으로 이 걸작품, 곧 하나님의 영원한 경륜을 성취할 수 있는 이 새사람은 한 성령 안에서 하나님께 이끌려 아무 장애 없이 하나님께 가까이 나아가, 하나님의 임재 안에 머물면서 하나님의 지속적이고 영원한 분배를 받아들인다. 한결같이 흐르는 강물처럼 하나님은 새사람의 일부인 사람들 안으로 그분 자신을 조금씩 분배하신다. 바로 하나님의 지속적이고 한결같으며 영원한 분배하심이 그들을 함께 조성하고, 그들을 함께 조율하며, 그들을 함께 건축한다. 이렇게 건축된 교회가 하나님의 행정을 집행하기 위한 이 땅에 있는 하나님의 왕국이다. 이 건축된 교회는 또한 그분의 사랑을 분배하기 위한 그분의 가정이고, 그러한 가정으로서 우리의 영 안에 있는 그분의 영원한 처소가 된다.(신성한 분배에 대한 보다 깊은 연구, 227쪽)오늘날의 기독교 안에는 그리스도의 풍성을 하나님의 왕가(王家)의 구성원들에게 실지적으로 분배하는 … 사역자들이나 일꾼들이 많지 않다. 풍성하시고 모든 것을 포함하시며 뛰어나신 이 그리스도께서 그분의 몸의 지체들 안으로 분배되시기 위해서는 하나님의 청지기 직분이 필요하다.이러한 청지기 직분이 신약의 사역이다. 신약의 사역은 모든 것을 포함하신 그리스도의 측량할 수 없는 풍성을 하나님의 가족의 구성원들 안으로 분배하는 것이다.하나님의 청지기 직분은 하나님의 경륜에 따른 것이다. 하나님께 그것은 경륜의 문제이고, 우리에게 그것은 청지기 직분의 문제이다. 모든 성도들은 스스로를 중요하지 않게 여길지라도 하나님의 경륜에 따른 사역을 가지고 있다. 이것은 모든 성도들이 그리스도의 풍성을 다른 사람들 안으로 분배할 수 있다는 것을 뜻한다.성경 전체의 중심 요점은 하나님 자신을 사람 안으로 분배하시려는 하나님의 마음의 갈망이다. 하나님의 경륜은 하나님 자신을 사람 안으로 분배하는 일을 수행하는 것이다. 우리는 우리의 청지기 직분, 즉 그리스도의 풍성을 분배하는 우리의 사역을 통하여 이 경륜에 참여하고 있다. 그리스도의 풍성이 우리 안으로 분배된 후, 우리는 그 풍성을 다른 사람들 안으로 분배할 부담을 가질 필요가 있다. 이러한 풍성은 하나님 편에서는 경륜이고, 우리 편에서는 청지기 직분이다. 그 풍성이 우리에 의해 다른 사람들 안으로 분배될 때, 그것은 하나님의 분배가 된다. 하나님의 경륜이 우리에게 임할 때, 그것은 우리의 청지기 직분이 된다. 우리가 그리스도를 다른 사람들 안으로 분배함으로써 우리의 청지기 직분을 수행할 때, 그것은 다른 사람들 안으로 하나님을 분배하는 것이 된다. 그러므로 우리에게는 경륜과 청지기 직분과 분배가 있다.(골로새서 라이프 스타디, 11장, 106-107쪽)추가로 읽을 말씀: 신성한 분배에 대한 보다 깊은 연구, 13장
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Fall International Elders' Training, 2019 <br>a new man to accomplish the purposes of God who created man <br><br>message 8 <br>for carrying out a new man of God Stewardship <br><br>Scripture: Goals 1:25, Ephesians 3:02, 9, 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2 9: 16-17, 1 Peter 4:10 <br><br>8 weeks 2 days <br><br>ⅱ. Inside God's New Testament economy there is a desperate need for God's stewardship - Timothy 1:04, Colossians 1:25. <br><br>A. stewardship is God's divine arrangement for carrying out God's New Testament economy-Eph. 3:02 Cor. 9:17. <br><br>B. God's economy was God's stewardship given to all those who believe - Ephesians 3:02, 9. <br>1. The Greek word "oikonomia" Paul used in Ephesians 3 has two meanings. <br>a. In relation to God and "oikonomia" meaning God's economy-Eph. 3:09. <br>b. In conjunction with our 'ah Oh Economy "means stewardship - Ephesians 3:02. <br>c. His stewardship is according to God's economy. God, it's a matter of economy, to us it is a matter of stewardship. <br>2. stewardship of grace is to distribute the riches of Christ into our being so that we grow the church - Ephesians 3:08.<br><br>C. the center point of the entire Bible is the longing of God's heart, you would like to dispense Himself into man-Ville 2:13, Ephesians 1:05, 9 and 3:17 phase. <br>1. God's economy is to perform the work to distribute Himself in person - Ephesians 3:09. <br>2. A new man to accomplish the eternal purposes of God, accepts God's eternal jeokyigodo sustainable distribution - Ephesians 2:15, 4:24, 3:17 on. <br>a. Like a river flows seamlessly God gradually dispense Himself into those who are part of the new man - Revelation 22: 1. <br>b. His persistent and was uniformly equal distribution hasimeun permanent foster us, and we coordinate, we must build together. <br><br><br>Enjoying breakfast <br><br>Ephesians 3:08 God has given this grace to most is more or less air than a small preach the gospel to the unsearchable riches of Christ to the Gentiles, among all the saints <br><br>of the commandments, statutes, with 2:15 You have to destroy the law inside his body. This is Simply create the two into one new man in His own siryeoneun will achieve peace,<br><br>Paul dispense Christ into all these believers. By Paul believes in accepting a distribution like that they could grow in their supply, which are themselves accepted. Through this we can see that it was the ministry that distributes Paul's ministry, that ministry to grow and become a church for us by distributing the unsearchable riches of Christ into our being. Paul is not only the distribution of the riches of Christ into the saints just individuals, was also distributed into groups of your body (1 Corinthians Life Study, chapter 34, page 330) <br><br><br>of the day to read the Word<br><br>The Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians is very meaningful way. In chapter 1, Paul shows us how to calculate the Body of Christ by God to do three days of the distribution and presence. Then in chapter two, Paul begins to show the history of these (歷史) is the body of Christ by God's dispensing from a different angle. He it as a background to the precious church is one of the masterpieces of God's distributed computing, and soon shows us that is so beautiful Syrah in a very good space even to the singing of the angels. The angels sing when I see that a sinner receives salvation. The angels will sing more clearly when viewing the church. Then Paul shows that Christ and His divine element within hasyeotdaneun His death and resurrection of material calculated the cosmic one new man. Finally, this masterpiece, and soon a new man to accomplish God's eternal economy is to accept God's continuous and permanent distribution draw near to God without fault led by God, one Spirit, to stay in God's presence. Like a river flows seamlessly God distributes his own little part in the people of the new man. It was directly equal to God constantly and uniformly distributed composition everlasting endureth them together and coordinating them together and builds them together. This church is built is the kingdom of God on earth to enforce God's administration. The building is also the church of his home for dispensing His love (deep research, more than 227 pages of divine distribution) is His eternal dwelling place. In our spirit as such homes<br><br>Within Christianity today's de facto distribution of the riches of Christ to God, members of the royal family (王家) ... Laborers or not laborers are few. This excellent hasimyeo enriched air contains everything God is the God of stewardship is required doesigi Christ distribution in the members of His body. <br><br>Such stewardship is the ministry of the New Testament. The ministry of the New Testament is to distribute the unsearchable riches of Christ, who included all the members in the family of God. <br><br>His stewardship is according to God's economy. God, it's a matter of economy, to us it is a matter of stewardship. All Saints has a ministry according to the dispensation of God, even if this place does not matter for themselves. This means that all believers can distribute the riches of Christ into others.<br><br>The center point of the entire Bible is the longing of the heart of God you would like to dispense Himself into man. God's economy is to do the work of God to dispense Himself into man. We are engaged in this dispensation through our stewardship, that our ministry of distributing the riches of Christ. After the distribution of the riches of Christ into us, we need to have the burden to be distributed to its abundance in others. These riches are in God's hand and counsel, in our side is stewardship. When the riches are to be distributed in others by us, it is the distribution of God. When the dispensation of God come upon us, it is our stewardship. When we fulfill our stewardship by dispensing Christ in others, it is to dispense God into others. Thus we have the experience and stewardship and distribution (Life Study of Colossians, chapter 11106-107 side) <br><br>Word read further: deeper study than for the divine dispensing, Chapter 13
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
International Elders Training in the fall of 2019<br>A new man who fulfills God's purpose in creating man<br><br>Message 8<br>Fulfilling God's Stewardship For a New Man<br><br>Bible: Goal 1:25, Ephesians 3:2, 9, Classic 4:1-2, 9:16-17, 1:10<br><br>8 weeks 2 days<br><br>There is an imminent need for god's stewardship in God's New Testament dispensation — 1:4, 1:25.<br><br>A. The stewardship is God's divine embrace for the New Testament dispensation of God — Ephesians 3:2, Classic 9:17.<br><br>The dispensation of God became god's stewardship of all believers — Ephesians 3:2, 9.<br>1. The Greek word "Oiiona", used by Paul in Ebesosa 3, has two meanings.<br>a. In connection with God, "Oikonosa" means the economy of God — Ephesians 3:9.<br>b. In relation to us, 'Oikonosa' means stewardship — Epsom 3:2.<br>c. God's stewardship is according to God's economy. To God it is a matter of dispensation, and for us it is a matter of stewardship.<br>2. The stewardship of grace is the distribution of the riches of Christ into our existence as we grow up and become the Church — Ephesians 3:8.<br><br>C. The central point of the whole Bible is the longing of god's heart to distribute himself into man — Bill 2:13, Ephesians 1:5, 9, 3:17.<br>1. God's dispensation is to perform the work of dispensing God himself into man — Ephesians 3:9.<br>2. As long as a new man can accomplish God's eternal purpose, he accepts God's persistent and eternal distribution — Ephesians 2:15, 4:24, 3:17.<br>a. Like a river that flows steadily, God distributes himself little by little into the people who are part of the new man — Series 22:1.<br>b. God's continuous, consistent, and eternal distribution fosters us, orchestrates us, and builds us together.<br><br>Morning snooze<br><br>Ephesians 3:8 God has given this grace to me, the smallest of all the saints, to convey the unfatuable riches of Christ to the Gentiles in the gospel;<br><br>2:15 He destroyed the law of the decree in his own flesh. This is to create them as a new man in himself, to bring peace,<br><br>Paul distributed Christ into all believers. Believers who accepted such distribution through Paul were able to grow into the supply they had accepted. Through this, we can see that paul's ministry was the ministry that divides, the unfatuated riches of Christ, into our existence, which will grow us and become a church. Paul not only distributed the riches of Christ into each of the Saints, but he also distributed them into the collective body. (Corinthian Life Stadi, 34, 330)<br><br>Today's Reading Talks<br><br>The Apostle Paul wrote the Book of Ephesus in a very meaningful way. Chapter 1 shows us how the body of Christ is calculated and presented by the distribution of the Triune God. Then, in chapter 2, Paul begins to show from a different angle the history of those who have become the body of Christ by the distribution of God. Against this backdrop, he shows us that the blessed church, derived from God's distribution, is a masterpiece, a poem so beautiful in a universe that angels love to sing. Angels sing every time they see a sinner saved. Angels will surely sing more and more when they see the Church. Paul then shows that Christ derives a new cosmic man from His death and resurrection, using His divine elements. Finally, this masterpiece, this new man who can accomplish God's eternal dispensation, is led by God in a Holy Spirit to draw closer to God without any obstacles, staying in God's presence and accepting God's lasting and eternal distribution. Like the river that flows consistently, God distributes himself little by little into the people who are part of the new man. That is God's continuous, consistent, and eternal distribution of them, co-ordinating them, and building them together. This built-in Church is the kingdom of God on earth to administer the administration of God. This built-in Church is also His home for the distribution of His love, and as such a family becomes His eternal place in our spirit. (Deeper Study of Divine Distribution, 227.<br><br>In today's Christianity, the richness of Christ is practically distributed to members of god's royal family. There are not many ministers or workers. God's stewardship is necessary for this rich, all-inclusive, and brilliant Christ to be distributed into the members of His body.<br><br>These stewardship offices are the ministry of the New Testament. The ministry of the New Testament distributes the unfatuated riches of Christ, including all, into the members of God's family.<br><br>God's stewardship is according to God's economy. To God it is a matter of dispensation, and for us it is a matter of stewardship. All Saints have ministry according to God's economy, even if they consider themselves unimportant. This means that all saints can distribute the riches of Christ into others.<br><br>The central point of the whole Bible is God's heart's desire to distribute himself into man. God's dispensation is the work of dispensing God himself into man. We are participating in this dispensation through our stewardship, our ministry of distributing the riches of Christ. After christ's riches have been distributed within us, we need to bear the burden of distributing that abundance into others. This abundance is economy on God's part, and stewardship on our part. When that abundance is distributed by us to others, it becomes the distribution of God. When God's dispensation comes to us, it becomes our stewardship. When we perform our stewardship by distributing Christ to others, it becomes the distribution of God into others. Therefore we have dispensations and stewardship and distribution. (Gololo Ser Life Stadi, chapter 11, 106-107).<br><br>Read more: A Deeper Study of Divine Distribution, Chapter 13
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Fall 2019 international long distance training<br>... a new man who fulfils the purpose of creating the God of man<br>news<br>To perform the role of God's confidant for a new man<br>Bible: Ball 1:25, Yuri: 2, 9, classical 4:1-2, 9:16-17, 4:10<br>8 weeks 2 days<br>Essence In God's new medicine economic plan, there is an urgent need to clear the duty of God's confidant - 1:4 before snack, 1:25 after goal.<br>A. the position of young confidant is the sacred arrangement of God's new medicine economy - 2, classical 9:17.<br>B. God's economy becomes a confidant position for all those who trust -- business 3:2,9.<br>One In evis3, Paul's fitness word oknomia has two meanings.<br>The connection to God, "Huang Konomi" means God's economy<br>About us, "night Konomi" means the position of a young confidant.<br>The position of God's confidant is God's economy. For God, it's a matter of economy, for us, it's a matter of duty.<br>Two The position of grace is to distribute the richness of our growth into a church to our existence - 3:8.<br>C. the central point of all Chengjing is God's wish to allocate himself to people - Bill 2:13, business 1:5, 9, 3:17 awards.<br>One God's economy is the work that God assigns to man - 3:9.<br>Two A new man who can achieve God's eternal purpose can accept God's continuity and eternal distribution - 15, 4:24, 3:17 awards.<br>Like a flowing river, God is a part of the new man, and distributes himself a little bit - 22:1.<br>B. God's continued, eternal distribution, making us, coordinating us, and building us together.<br>Morning enjoyment<br>Greece: 8 the gospel God gave me is smaller than the smallest of all the saints.<br>The commandment of 2:15, for example, was destroyed in one's own body. This is to create a new man in himself and achieve peace,<br>Paul assigned the Greek island to all those who trusted it People who accept his distribution through Paul can grow on the supply they receive. Through this, we can see that Paul's servitude distribution of servitude, that is, the immeasurable abundance of Christian distribution to our existence, makes us grow into a church. Paul was not only assigned to the abundance of Christ, but also to the individual of each star Island, and also to the body of the group. (D, 34, 330 life stars challenged by Hailin)<br>Today's words<br>The Apostle Paul used a very meaningful way In the first chapter, Paul shows us that the Greek body is produced by the distribution of God in three days. Then in the second chapter, Paul's history of becoming the Greek island through God's distribution is revealed from another angle. With it as the background, he showed us a masterpiece of the precious church assigned by God. The angels also like the very beautiful poetry in the singing universe. Angels sing every time they see a criminal being rescued. Angels are bound to sing more when they watch the church. Later, Paul said that in his death and resurrection, Greece calculated a new person in the universe based on his sacred elements. Finally, this masterpiece, that is, a new man who can realize God's eternal economy, is attracted by God in a holy spirit, and goes to God without any obstacles. In the forest of God, eternal worship is divided. Like a flowing river, God gives himself to some of the new people. It's God's constant, consistent, eternal heart of distribution that makes them, coordinates them, builds with them. This church was built to carry out God's administration, God's kingdom. This is the Church of celebration<br>
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