Four different trialsdepending on different types of diets i。e。trial - I(normaldiet trial)- II(high cholesterol diet)- III(high sucrose trialdiet)- IV(trial and high cholesterol + high sucrose diet)conducted were。Therfore 120 rats divided were four inthirty groups of each。In each trial,rats hole divided weresubgroups into three of ten,rats in eachsubgroup。Rats were placed in standard polypropylenecages steel with stainless top grill。Rats were acclimatizedby feeding basal diet(AIN - 76A)for a老of one week。At study of the initiation rats sacrificed to get some werebaseline values。The temperature(23±2°C)and relativehumidity(55±5 %)maintained throughout experiment were thewith 12 hours light–dark老。Feed & drinkintake was recorded on weekly daily whilst body weightbasis throughout the experiment。Spilled diet and feceswere also collected。