In an era when science has not been discovered, the creation of a common imagination, that's what's above all. God to explain the possibilities of all things in the world and to create different religions and beliefs by believing that God created the world. But when the philosophers who woke up there were suspicions of all things, there was a suspicion of all things. To find the truth. In the turn of the science revolution, we turned to human ity instead of the modern era as an industrial age, worshipping all human needs. Technology empowers humans more than gods in the past, but it also brings oppression to other creatures. With the growing demand, it is difficult to control viruses in the industry. But the evolution of science has been able to overcome the virus for many generations. We've developed technology so fast that it raises the question of what we're man-made in each era. In this day and age, our God is what we are, or will the artificial problem technology we create, and we fear that we will focus more on artificial intelligence than humanity, and will artificial intelligence evolve beyond us? However, the creators of artificial intelligence are more influential than us, the general public is different to the emperors of the empires of the past, who created stories for everyone to believe in, just as today's capitalism used to dominate us, who wanted the same thing and enslaved capitalism, like the phrase "lies." No matter how humanity is created, God is always created, no matter what era it is. So what in the future will we be, or will the gods be left in this world of fantasy?