Option loaded Report.Total May YTD, 442,387 vs Target of 460,333 (-17,946; -4%)Cayenne actualized avg of 244,779 , V.S. Target of 300,000 in May YTD.-18% (May YTD -55,221 )Action :Cayenne Option load: Total of 58 units of Cayenne Coupe base (out of 87 units; 67%)below than target amount.Mainly cause by the the luxury tax of 3.7 million thresholds limited customers to go further in their purchase.Focusing on conducting the option load training for increases the sales skills on optional load.As for the models of 718 & Panamera, due to lack of the 718 basic models and rest are the top models which cause less rooms for achieving the target.As for the Panamera is also facing the shortage of quotas.Encourage customers to purchase more options on the upcoming Q3 quota.PTW feedback:Strongly suggest of using VBtO tool on LF car monthly ordering.The system will base on the ordering data and providing dealer the suggestion combination of package.As shared, overall ordering take rate % on PT5 and PT4 are roughly nearly 70% and 25%, dealer could consider to increase the option load by ordering the package Cayenne.