Rainy! Scattered! "Ability to help inquiries submitted by disguised came of Hotaru. I read your content well. First, cypher is domestic (South Korea)-based services. PSI's current dial-in a foreign country, while unstable due to the network environmentOther powers of the game as a hindrance to temporarily use a limited use as the settings are checked. Unfortunately, the current sanctions, which state that in order toIn South Korea, after that, ID holder's access to my PIN, please pass the informationWe can help you turn off sanctions after identification. ¢ º my PIN: your authentication method in one of the 13-digit number consisting of South Korea issued by the person, or the resident center pin sites available to the public in the issuance If you do not check the content of the sanctions off is not possible. T_T A guide to help your content matters I mentioned was.Riding toward everywhere need based of Hotaru.