For practical and金融reasons,under cm提案no friable litter is provided in many cases or distribution isinfrequent。latter In this case,litter is often insufficient becausescattering of the rapid litter through the wire mesh during PS andDB activities makes frequent redistribution necessary,increasingcosts especially when feed is used as litter。As litter is not providedpermanently,pads need to be very attractive to promote DBand PS in hens on PSA。Previous studies found that artificial turfmatting(AstroTurf®)proposed without litter was preferred to wiremesh for DB(Alvino et al。,2013)and was also used by hens for PS(Merrill et al。,2006)。Howeverère et al,Guinebreti。showed(2012)artificial turf mats that were used in PSA dirtier than橡胶matsdifficult and also to clean,potentially decreasing cage hygiene andegg safety。Hygiene in furnished cages is a major concern:cleaningpads in cm barns is costly and time consuming,withoutany of complete cleaning guarantee。