I’m relieved to hear that the surgery went okay。02 00:What about the office:。02 00::45 Well,our representative skipping is too,so I’m sure he won’t say anything。02 00::- Representative!- Secretary Kim!02 00::Can you leave us for a little while。Okay:01 00:03。02 00:I first met you:09 Since six years ago。00:different from other people you were 12。00:15 You were young back then。00:17 and as a representative I held back from personal having feelings。00:22 or from forcing you to do anything。00:03:for you my feelings愉快。00:27 couldn’t be stopped。00:29 Representative。00::“Because you’re young。I’ll wait until you grow up”。00::“Since you’re about to undergo surgery。I’ll wait until after the surgery。”00::“剛when you college。。。。”00::“剛when you make the pro leagues。”00:42 Like that,if I pushed off。:00 00 44 Until today。00:03:47 - Representative me,I ---眼前finish。00::I know youve fallen for someone else。00:54 and I know you’re confused because you’re at a crossroads00::of not knowing if you can stand on the court again。04:00 00:What I want。:04:00 For me as well。:04:00辛苦的don’t be sick。