

우린일년전네명모았어그냥멍청한짓할려고그런데점점친해지고있다원랜나랑그두남잔랑별로안친해근데우리셋다부모한명없는가족이라서밥은그냥자연스럽게같이먹어그래서도점점친해지고있어! 요즘은한여자가원래이두남자랑꽤친하는데이여자가솔로됐고이제아주자주이두남자랑같이나가… 아주수상해! 우린좀달라솔로이지만이두남자랑절데사귀같은소리꺼내지도않을건데근데이여자가원래좀마음이가잡는거좀어려워서사실은뭘하는지잘몰으겠어지금은그냥섭섭하지마치걔에게남친빼는기분.. ? 그냥계속이대로4명친하게살고싶다
原始語言: -
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
We were just one year ago, four people trying to do a stupid thing by the way, is becoming increasingly hit with me those two South glass LAN lang won not befriend but we all three parents does not have one family, Bob is just naturally like to eat so I'm getting more and more! These days, it's a girl, but pretty proud of these two hit the South of the original girl was now very often these two guy solo I. .. Very suspicious! We're a bit different solo, but this sounds like a two guy clause would bring up to four ears to get this girl to go to catch a little hard fact in mind originally I'm doing well, I'm going to the Mall and now it's just not like her to hit it upsets decaffeinated mood in the South ... ? Just keep this as 4 people to want to live
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
It is very Award! ? I just want to live anyway keep four people friendly
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
a year ago, but we don"t so silly, i do but more and more close, and the two members are a man and not very good but we are not yet all three of a family because of the food is so natural, so more and more friends to eat. a little. recently, a woman was very familiar with the two men, women in the family. in a two man and i often go to. very strange. we use two different but man i love like it does not stand out. but she had a heart, in fact, is to let me know what to do i do not know, i do not want to part with her boyfriend, let out the mood. 4. it has been such a crab meat.
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