2019. 12. 10. 화워치만 니 전집 62권(1달 1권, 5년 완독)워치만 니 전집 제3집 제50권초신자를 온전케 하는 的英文翻譯

2019. 12. 10. 화워치만 니 전집 62권(1달 1권,

2019. 12. 10. 화워치만 니 전집 62권(1달 1권, 5년 완독)워치만 니 전집 제3집 제50권초신자를 온전케 하는 공과(3)제39장질병Ⅳ. 하나님의 징계와 질병A. 하나님의 징계의 손이 있는 질병도 있음... 여러분은 병이 범죄와 다르다는 것을 볼 것이다. 범죄에는 거룩하게 됨의 효능이 없으나 병에는 거룩하게 됨의 효능이 있다. 어떤 사람은 병을 죄와 같은 것으로 보는데, 이것은 잘못된 것이다. 병과 죄가 어떤 부분에 있어서는 공통점이 있지만 차이점도 있다. 사람은 죄를 범하면 범할수록 더럽혀진다. 그러나 병에 걸렸을 때에는 병이 심할수록 더럽혀지는 것이 아니라 거룩해질 수 있다. 왜냐하면 질병에 하나님의 징계의 손이 있고, 또 질병이 개인에게 징계의 결과를 가져오기 때문이다. 이런 상황에서 하나님의 자녀들은 하나님의 능력의 손 아래 복종하기를 배워야 한다(벧전 5:6).B. 질병에 수반된 가르침을 받아야 함만일 여러분에게 병이 있다면 마땅히 하나님 앞에서 하나씩 처리하기를 배워야 한다. 처리한 후에 만일 그 병이 여러분을 교만하지 않고 풀어놓지 않으며 죄인처럼 제멋대로 하지 못하게 하기 위해 여러분 위에 더해진 하나님의 손이라면 여러분은 그 질병만 아니라 그 질병에 수반된 가르침까지도 받아들여야 한다. 병에 걸리기만 하는 것은 무익하다. 그 질병에 수반된 가르침을 받아들여야만 유익하다. 사실 질병은 여러분을 거룩하게 할 수 없다. 여러분을 거룩하게 하는 것은 질병과 함께 오는 가르침이다. 그러므로 여러분은 그 질병 속에 어떤 유익이 있는지, 결국 그 질병이 어떤 효과를 가져왔는지를 발견해야 한다. 혹은 바울처럼 여러분이 받은 계시가 너무 커서 자고할까 염려되어 여러분을 겸손하게 하려고 하나님의 손이 그 질병을 임하게 한 것인지도 모른다. 혹은 여러분의 기질이 너무 강해서 여러분을 부드럽게 하기 위하여 하나님께서 어떤 질병을 여러분 위에 두시고 즉시 치료하지 않으신 것일 수도 있다. 병에 걸리기만 하는 것은 무익하다. 부드럽게 되어야 유익하다. 만일 부드러워지지 않는다면 여러분은 일평생 병에 걸려도 소용없다. ... 그러므로 병이 있을 때마다 우리는 주님 앞에 나아가서 주님께서 그 병에 대해 뭐라고 말씀하시는지 보아야 한다. ...C. 질병을 두려운 것으로 여기지 않음이 질병의 칼은 다른 사람의 손에 있지 않다. 따라서 질병을 두려운 것으로 여기지 말라. ... 질병은 하나님 손에 있다는 것을 기억하라. 병에 걸린 많은 형제자매들은 질병이 원수의 손에 있는 것처럼 자기의 건강 상태를 너무 염려한다. 하나님께서 모든 질병을 척량하셨음을 기억하라. 사탄은 질병의 창조자로서 사람을 병들게 한다. 그러나 욥기를 읽어 본 사람은 누구나 그것이 하나님께서 허락하신 것이요 하나님의 제한 아래 있음을 알 것이다. ... 모든 질병이 주님 손에 있고 또 주님께서 우리에게 주신 것임을 알라. 많은 경우 사실 여러분이 죄를 자백하기만 해도 문제는 해결된다.D. 병중에 공과를 배움주님께서 많은 질병이 우리 몸에 남아 있게 하신 것은 우리에게 공과를 배우게 하시기 위한 것이다. 공과를 일찍 배울수록 질병은 일찍 지나간다. 많은 사람은 너무 자신을 사랑한다. 내가 솔직히 말하거니와 많은 사람들이 병에 걸리는 이유는 다름이 아니라 자기를 사랑하기 때문이다. 많은 사람들은 병에 걸리는 것이 불가피할 정도로 자신을 사랑한다. 만일 자신을 사랑하는 마음이 주님에 의해 밀려나지 않는다면 여러분은 하나님의 손에서 별로 유용하지 못하게 된다. 그러므로 자신을 사랑하지 않는 사람이 되기를 배워야 한다. ...E. 소수의 예를 제외하고 일반적으로 병의 원인을 찾아내어 치료를 받아야 함... 바울과 디모데와 드로비모처럼 계속 병에 걸리는 경우는 그리 많지 않다. 하나님은 특별히 사용하시거나 온전케 하려는 사람에게만 이런 상황을 허락하신다. 일반 형제들, 특히 갓 믿은 사람들은 병을 앓을 때 그 속에 죄가 있는지의 여부를 보아야 한다. 죄를 시인하고 제할 때 쉽게 치료를 얻을 것이다. ...Ⅴ. 치료받는 길―신약 안의 세 마디A. 주님의 능력의 문제―‘하나님은 하실 수 있다’한번은 내가 병에 걸렸는데 특별히 내게 유용한 마가복음의 말씀을 발견했다. 첫 단락은 마가복음 9장 21절부터 23절까지이다. “예수님께서 그 아버지에게 “아이가 이렇게 된 지 얼마나 되었습니까?”라고 하시니, 그가 대답하였다. “어릴 적부터입니다. 22 더러운 영이 아이를 죽이려고 자주 불 속에도 던지고 물속에도 던졌습니다. 그러나 무엇이든 하실 수 있으시다면, 우리를 불쌍히 여기시어 도와주십시오.” 23 그러자 예수님께서 "그대가 ‘하실 수 있으시다면’이라고 말하십니까? 믿는 사람에게는 모든 것이 가능합니다.”라고 하시니” 여러분은 이 말씀을 이해하겠는가? 그 아비는 주 예수님께 ‘하실 수 있으시다면’이라고 말하면서 도움을 청했다. 주 예수님은 어찌 ‘하실 수 있으시다면’이라고 말하느냐고 하셨다. 주 예수님은 그 아비의 말을 반복하신 것이다. 아비는 “하실 수 있으시다면 ... 도와주십시오.”라고 말했다. 주 예수님은 “‘하실 수 있으시다면’이라고 말하십니까? 믿는 사람에게는 모든 것이 가능합니다.”라고 말씀하셨다. 여기서는 ‘하실 수 있으시다면’의 문제가 아니라 믿느냐 믿지 않느냐의 문제이다. 믿는 사람에게는 능치 못할 일이 없다. ...B. 주님의 뜻의 문제―‘하나님은 원하신다’그분께서 하실 수 있는 것은 사실이다. 그러나 사람은 이렇게 말할 것이다. “당신은 그분께서 치료하기를 원하시는 것을 어떻게 알 수 있습니까? 나는 그분의 뜻을 알 수 없습니다. 만일 주님께서 나를 치료하지 않으시면 어떻게 합니까?” 이것은 별개의 문제이다. 마가복음 1장 41절은 “예수님께서 불쌍히 여기셔서 손을 내미시어 그에게 대시고 “내가 원하니 깨끗하게 되십시오!”라고 하시자”라고 말한다. 그러므로 두 번째 문제는 사람이 병에 걸렸을 때 하나님의 능력만 아는 것으로는 부족하고 또한 하나님께서 원하시는지를 알아야 한다는 것이다. 하나님의 능력이 아무리 크다 하더라도 그분께서 여러분을 치료하기를 원하시지 않는다면 아무 소용이 없다. 여기서의 문제는 하나님께서 하실 수 있는가의 문제가 아니라 하나님께서 원하시는가의 문제이다. 만일 하나님에게 여러분의 병을 치료하실 뜻이 없으면 그분의 능력이 아무리 크다 하더라도 여러분과는 무관하다는 것이다. 그러므로 첫째로 해결해야 할 문제는 ‘하나님의 능력’의 문제이고, 두 번째 문제는 ‘하나님의 뜻’의 문제이다. ...C. 주님의 행함의 문제―‘하나님은 이미 이루셨다’하나님께서 치료하기를 원하시는 것만으로 부족하고 또한 그분께서 일하시는 것이 필요하다. 마가복음 11장은 다음과 같이 말한다. “내가 진실로 여러분에게 말합니다. 누구든지 이 산을 향하여 ‘들어 올려져 바다 속으로 떨어져라.’라고 말하면서, 마음에 의심하지 않고 말한 대로 된다고 믿으면 그대로 이루어질 것입니다. 24 그러므로 내가 여러분에게 말합니다. 여러분이 기도하고 구하는 것은 무엇이든지(질병을 포함한) 이미 받은 줄로 믿으십시오. 그리하면 여러분에게 그대로 이루어질 것입니다.”(23-24절). 여기에서는 하나님께서 이미 이루신 것을 말한다. 여기에서 우리는 하나님의 능력과 하나님의 뜻과 하나님께서 이미 이루신 것을 본다.믿음이란 무엇인가? 믿음은 단지 하나님의 능력과 뜻을 믿을 뿐 아니라 하나님께서 이미 일하셨고 이루셨다는 것을 믿는 것이다. “이미 받은 줄로 믿으십시오. 그리하면 여러분에게 그대로 이루어질 것입니다.” 만일 여러분이 믿는다면 하나님께서 하실 수 있고 원하신다는 확신을 갖게 된다. 만일 하나님께서 여러분에게 말씀을 주셨다면 여러분은 하나님께 감사하면서, “하나님께서 저의 병을 치료하셨고 이미 이루셨습니다.”라고 말할 것이다. ...
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
12/10/2019 Tuesday <br>Collected Works of Watchman Nee 62 (1 month 1, 5 years wandok) <br>The Collected Works of Watchman Nee third house first 50 <br>lessons (3) perfecting the neophyte <br><br>Chapter 39 <br>diseases <br><br>Ⅳ. God's discipline and diseases <br><br>possibly disease in the hands of A. God's punishment <br><br>... you'll see that the bottles are different crime. Although there is no crime being sanctified efficacy disease has hallowed search of efficacy. Some people are seeing that as the disease of sin, and this is wrong. Sickness and sin have in common, but in some parts there are differences. People commit sins against the more soiled. But when ill can not be that the more severe the disease defiled holiness. And the hand of God's punishment because the disease is yet to come because the result of discipline to the individual diseases. The children of God in this situation must learn to obey under the hand of the power of God (1 Peter 5: 6). <br><br><br>B. must be a teaching involves a disease<br><br>If the bottles to ten thousand days, you must learn to rightly handle God's sight by one. After processing ten thousand and one does not leave the bottle is released without pride, and you deulyeoya if the hand of God on you added in order to prevent willful sinners, not like you not only get the disease, even the teachings associated with the disease. It only takes a bottle is futile. It is beneficial only to accept the teachings associated with the disease. In fact, the disease can not be sanctified you. What you sanctify the teaching that comes along with the disease. So you see what benefit in that disease, and eventually came to be discovered that the disease is brought any effect. Or trying to do is worry about your sleeping revelation received is too large to be humble, like Paul, may you want to have the hand of God come upon the disease. Or it may be of God you are not instantly cure any disease handing you over to your temperament is too strong and smooth for you. It only takes a bottle is futile. It is beneficial to be smooth. Ten thousand days is useless unless you soften it takes a lifetime disease. ... So whenever there is a disease we should see further hasineunji what the Lord said about the disease before the Lord. ... <br><br><br>C. Do not think that the dreadful disease <br><br>sword of the disease is not in the hands of others. So do not think that the dreadful disease. ... Remember that the disease is in God's hands. Many brothers and sisters who are sick are so concerned about his state of health, as in the hands of the enemies disease.<br><br>Remember, God hath cheokryang all diseases. Satan sick people as the creator of the disease. But anyone who has read the book of Job is to be appreciated that it shall under God allowed limit of God. ... Know that all disease and also the Lord gave us in His hands. In many cases, the problem may be the fact you only need to confess our sins is solved. <br><br><br>D. learning the lesson the illness <br><br>is your Lord so many illnesses in our body will remain for us, please learn a lesson. The earlier the disease is to learn the lessons passed earlier. Too many people love him. The reason that I frankly speak, many people are ill because you love him, but this difference. Many people love yourself enough to be inevitable ill. If born If the love of his pushed by the Lord, you are able not very useful in God's hands. Therefore, to learn to be a man who does not love himself. ... <br><br><br>need treatment, except for a small number of E. Yes, and generally find out the cause of the disease should <br><br>... If you continue to take the bottle, like Paul and Timothy and deurobimo is not much. God has allowed this situation to those who want to perfecting Guests particular use. People with normal siblings, especially when freshly believed to suffer illness should see whether there is sin in him. You will easily get the treatment you delete and pleaded guilty. ... <br><br><br>Ⅴ. Treated the way - three words in the New Testament <br><br>the problem of A. His strength - "God can '<br><br>Once I was sick, I especially found the words of Mark useful to me. The first paragraph is from the Gospel of Mark chapter 9 verse 21 through verse 23. "Jesus said to him, Father," And how much did he not a child like this? ", He replied. "The early age. 22 sokedo unclean spirit, throwing fire to kill the child often throws in water. But what if you have can be anything, have compassion on us and help here, Theodore. "23 Then Jesus said," All things are possible to those who you say you are that "If you have available?" Believe, "said hasini" You said would you understand? his father a week had asked for help, saying that "If you have available 'to Jesus. the Lord Jesus is, why he haneunyago say" If you have available.' Lord Jesus, will you repeat the words of his father. Avi said, "If you have ... can you help me?" he said. "all things are possible to those who believe in you? say" If you have available. "" the Lord Jesus. here, if you have available ' "is not a matter of anneunya believe the problem of trust. people who believe there would never neungchi. ... <br><br><br>B. Lord's will Problems - "God wants'<br><br>It is true that he can. But people will say. "How can you know that he wants to treat? I can not know His will. What if the Lord do if you do not treat me? "This is a separate issue. Mark Chapter 141 verse says, "hasija of" "letting Jesus' compassion daesigo hand to naemi Shea him," do you want me Become clean! Therefore, the second problem is that people need to know how to know God, but also a lack of ability and God wants you ill. You do not want to treat your useless even if the power of God, no matter how large. The problem here is that God is a matter of wonhasineunga not a matter of can you find God. If you do not have to be ten thousand days that God will heal you of disease, even if no matter how great his power has nothing to do with you. Therefore, the problem to be solved first is the issue of 'power of God', the second problem is that the 'will of God' problems. ... <br><br><br>C. issue of the Lord's works - "God has already accomplished,<br><br>They lack just wish to God it is necessary to treat and also he ilhasineun. Mark chapter 11 says: "Truly I say to you. Anyone toward the mountain 'La lifted off into the sea, "saying that, you just made you believe that, as saying without a doubt the heart. 24 Therefore I say to you. Believe it whatever line you have already received (including disease), you pray and ask. So that it will still be done to you "(v. 23-24). Here it says that God has already accomplished. Here we see God's power and God's will and God has already accomplished. <br><br>What is faith? Faith is just believing what syeotdaneun made not only believe in God's power and will of God has already hasyeotgo days. "Trust has already received line. So that you will still be done to you. "If you believe is convinced that God can and wants. If God ten thousand days the Lord spoke to you while you give thanks to God, "God had already made hasyeotgo treat my illness," he would say. ...
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
2019. 12. 10. Tue<br>Watchman Nee all 62 books (1 book per month, 5 years complete dishack)<br>Watchman Nee's third book, Volume 50<br>Lesson to make a superbeliever whole (3)<br><br>Chapter 39<br>Disease<br><br>[. God's Discipline and Disease<br><br>A. There is also a disease with god's hands of discipline<br><br>... You will see that sickness is different from crime. Crime has no efficacy of being holy, but the disease has the efficacy of being holy. Some people see the disease as sin, which is wrong. There are differences in class and sin, although they have something in common. The more men commit, the more they become corrupt. However, when you get sick, the more serious the disease, the more holy it can be, not dirty. For the disease is the hand of God's discipline, and the disease has consequences of disciplinary action on the individual. Under these circumstances, God's children must learn to obey under the power of God (1 Peter 5:6).<br><br>B. To be taught with the disease<br><br>If you are ill, you should learn to process one by one before God. If the disease is the hand of God added upon you to prevent you from being proud and unfaithful to you, and to prevent you from doing it as sinners, you must accept not only the disease, but also the teachings associated with it. It is futile to get sick. It is beneficial only if we accept the teachings associated with the disease. In fact, disease cannot sanctify you. It is the teachings that come with disease that sanctify you. Therefore, you must discover the benefits of the disease and the effect it has on. Or, like Paul, may have caused God's hand to bring the disease to humble you because you were concerned that the revelation you received would be too great to sleep. Or you may be too strong for your temperament to soften you, god has put certain diseases upon you and you have not healed immediately. It is futile to get sick. It is beneficial to be soft. If it is not softened, you may become ill for the rest of your life. ... Therefore, whenever we are ill, we must go before the Lord to see what the Lord has to say about it. ...<br><br>C. Not considered to be afraid of disease<br><br>The sword of this disease is not in the hands of others. Therefore, do not regard the disease as fearful. ... Remember that the disease is in God's hands. Many sick siblings are so concerned about their health as if the disease was in the hands of their enemies. <br><br>Remember that God has pretended to be all diseases. Satan makes man sick as the creator of disease. But anyone who has read Job will know that it is what God has allowed and is under God's limitations. ... Know that all diseases are in the hands of the Lord and the Lord has given us. In many cases, the problem is solved simply by confessing your sins.<br><br>D. Learning lessons in the bottle<br><br>The Lord has allowed many diseases to remain in our bodies to help us learn lessons. The earlier you learn the lesson, the sooner the disease passes. Many people love themselves too. I'm honest, and the reason a lot of people get sick is because they love themselves, not because they're different. Many people love themselves so much that it is inevitable that they will get sick. If your love for yourself is not pushed by the Lord, you will not be so useful in God's hands. Therefore, you must learn to be a person who does not love yourself. ...<br><br>E. Generally, except for a small number of examples, the cause of the illness must be identified and treated.<br><br>... Paul, Timothy, and Drobimo are not many cases where they continue to get sick. God allows this situation only to those who want to use it or be whole. Ordinary brethren, especially those who believe in the disease, should look into whether there is sin in it. When you admit and be separated from sin, you will easily get treatment. ...<br><br>V.. The Way to Be Healed - Three Words in the New Testament<br><br>A. The Question of the Lord's Power — 'God Can Do It'<br><br>Once I got sick, I found the word of the Gospel of Mark, which was especially useful to me. The first paragraph is from Mark 9:21 to 23. "Jesus asked the father, "How long has it been for a child to be like this?" And he answered. "It's been a while since I was a kid. 22 A dirty spirit often threw himself into the fire to kill him, and he threw it into the water. But if you can do anything, please help us with compassion." 23 And Jesus said, "If you can, do you?" Everything is possible for believers." Would you understand these words? The father asked the Lord Jesus for help, saying, 'If you can.' The Lord Jesus asked me how i could say, 'If you can.' The Lord Jesus repeated his words. Abbie said, "If you can... Please help me." Said. Does the Lord Jesus say, "If you can, do you? Everything is possible for believers." He said, Here, it is not a question of "if you can" but whether you believe or not. There is nothing that cannot be done to the believer. ...<br><br>B. The Lord's Will - 'God Wants'<br><br>What He can do is be true. But one will say so. "How can you know what He wants to heal? I do not know His will. What if the Lord does not heal me?" is a separate matter. Mark 1:41 said, "Jesus is pity, and he gives his hand, and he dashes to him, and says, "I want to be clean!" Let's say, "Let's say." The reforece problem is that when a person becomes ill, it is not enough to know god's power, and he must know what God wants. No matter how great God's power is, there is no point if He does not want to heal you. The question here is not whether God can do it, but whether he wants it. If God does not intend to heal your illness, no matter how great his power is, it has nothing to do with you. Therefore, the first problem to be solved is the question of God's power, and the second is the question of God's will. ...<br><br>C. The Question of the Lord's Conduct — 'God Has Already Done'<br><br>It is not enough just for God to heal, and it is necessary for Him to work. Mark 11 says: "I truly speak to you. Whoever goes toward this mountain will say, 'Lift it up and fall into the sea,' and if you believe that it is what you say without a doubt in your heart, it will be done. 24 Therefore I say to you. Whatever you pray and ask for (including disease) you believe you have already received. And that will be true to you." (verse 23-24). Here we see the power of God, the will of God, and what God has already accomplished.<br><br>What is faith? Faith is not only believing in God's power and will, but also believing that God has already worked and accomplished. "Believe it as a line you've already received. If you believe, you will be convinced that God can and wants you. If God had spoken to you, you thanked God and said, "God has healed and done my disease." I will say. ...
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Two thousand and nineteen Twelve Ten Disaster<br>Watch pioneer 62 volumes (January 1, 5 years)<br>Watch the vanguard episode 3 Volume 50<br>Skill of surpassing oneself (3)<br>The thirty-ninth chapter<br>disease<br>8547; God's punishment and disease<br>Diseases with the hand of God's discipline<br>... You will see that illness is different from crime. Crime has no effect on achievement, but it has effect on disease. It is wrong for some people to see a doctor as a crime. There are some common points, but there are also differences. The more people commit, the dirtier they become. But when you get sick, the more serious the disease is, the worse it gets. For God has the hand of punishment, and disease brings the result of punishment to the individual. In this case, God's children must obey under God's power (Ecclesiastes 5:6).<br>B. be taught to violate the disease<br>If you are ill, you should learn one by one in front of God. After treatment, if the disease does not proudly release us, in order to let us not be as wayward as sinners, if it is the hand of God, we should not accept the guidance of those diseases. It's no use getting sick. It's only good to be guided by those diseases. In fact, disease can't make us succeed. To sanctify all is to teach with disease. Therefore, you should find out what benefits there are in that disease and what effects it brings in the end. Or like Paul, I'm afraid that the revelation we receive is too great, so I'm afraid that we should be humble, and God's hand will encounter that disease. Or because everyone's temperament is too strong, God may put a disease on everyone, not timely treatment. It's no use getting sick. Gentle and beneficial If it's not soft, it's useless for everyone to be ill all their lives. ... Therefore, whenever there is a disease, we must go to the Lord and see what he says to the disease. ...<br>C. not afraid of disease<br>The knife of this disease is not in the hands of others. So don't think it's fear of disease. ... Remember, disease is in God's hands. Many sick siblings are worried about the health of the disease in their enemies' hands.<br>Please remember that God cleanses all diseases. Coal is the creator of disease and makes people sick. But anyone who has read the book of job knows that what God allows is God's restriction. ... All the diseases are in the hand of the Lord, tell him to give us. In many cases, as long as everyone confesses the crime, the problem can be solved.<br>D. learning lessons during illness<br>The Lord has left us many diseases in order to let us study. The earlier you do your homework, the earlier you get sick. A lot of people love themselves. I tell you the truth, many people are sick not because they are different, but because they love themselves. Many people love themselves and illness is inevitable. If the heart of love is not squeezed out by the Lord, we are not very useful in God's hands. So learn to love those who don't love themselves. ...<br>E. except for a few cases, it is generally necessary to find out the cause of the disease and receive treatment<br>... Paul and Di Di De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De God only allows one person to use it intentionally or in all aspects Brothers in general, especially those with new trust, should be judged guilty when they are ill. To admit a crime is easily treated when it is removed. ...<br>85488; The way to receive treatment<br>A. the question of God's ability - "God can do it"<br>Once I got sick and found a very useful gospel of Maga. The first paragraph<br>
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