over time as his school uniform. i had lost a lot of weight. crooked, crooked in the night.disturbed sleep and see the end, in the night about to call.not the end of the examination, but you live in a day, so don't cry.a time limit from the new and strange to other people.open the door, it was dark, the sky is. you can't help me stand up.now more than a sense of life, the target is you. and don't forget the green day innot the end of the examination, but you live in a day, so don't cry.a time limit from the new and strange to other people.open the door, it was dark, the sky is. you can't help me stand up.now more than a sense of life, the target of my coming.i am in front of the open the door, it was dark, the sky is. you can't help me stand up.now more than a sense of life, the target is you. and don't forget the green day in