Function : ▷TIME_(기본)Auto Off by IN-START Condition : 무신호 > AV Block 설정 > Key 입력 없이 방치할시 Problem : 키 입력이 없음에도 TV off 되지않음 Opinion : 키 입력없이 15분 후 TV off되는 것이 정상
Function: ▷ TIME_ (default) Auto Off by IN-STARTCondition: no signal set > > AV Block, type Key not without:Problem: no TV, but not a key input is offOpinion: TV off after 15 minutes without a keystroke is normal
Function: ▷ TIME_ (default) Auto Off by IN-START Condition: No Signal> AV Block Settings> Key entered without leave to city Problem: the key input is not even TV off are not Opinion: keystrokes without 15 minutes after the TV off that it is normal
Function: ▷ TIME _ (default) Auto Off by IN - STARTcondition: no signal "," key to enter the AV block will have leftProblem: key input without set off or not.the key input Opinion: 15 minutes later, the tv is off.