consumed Tea may be in the day to heighten相哲alertness;it contains L - theanine,theophylline,and bound caffeine。Decaffeinated brands are also sold。While herbal teas are also referred to as tea,most of them from the tea leaves do not contain plant。While tea is the second most consumed beverage on Earth after water in many cultures it is also consumed at elevated social events,such as afternoon tea and the tea party。Tea ceremonies have arisen in different cultures,such as the Chinese and Japanese tea ceremonies,each of which employs techniques and ritualised protocol of traditional tea serving brewing and for enjoyment in a refined setting。你Chinese form of tea ceremony is the Gongfu tea ceremony,which typically uses small Yixing clay teapots and oolong tea。Turkish tea is an important part of Turkish cuisine,and is the most commonly consumed hot drink,despite the country’s long history of coffee consumption。In 2004 Turkey produced 205500 tones of tea(6.4 % of the world’s total tea production),which made it one of the largest tea markets in the world,tons being with 120000 consumed in Turkey,and the rest being exported。In 2010 Turkey had the highest per capita consumption in the world at 2.7 kg。2013 As of the per - capita Turkish consumption of tea exceeds 10 cups per day and 13.8 kg per year。Tea is grown in Rize mostly Province on the Black Sea coast。